bisoprolol 2.5mg side effects

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How long does these side effects last I've been taking the above for 8 days and I'm constantly dizzy and light headed any suggestions would be welcome

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12 Replies

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    Hi I am really sorry to say that for me the side effects didn't stop.  I had really bad headaches and the Bisoprolol didn't stop the palpitations either!  My GP prescribed Gabapentin which stopped the headaches but I ended up stopping the Bisoprolol. 

    I do hope the side effect stop for you soon.  These tablets do affect people in different ways.  Hang in there for another few days.



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    Thanks Gloria I'm taking these for afib andbive not had an episode since taking the I was wondering whether these symptoms will disappear when I'm put on blood thinners
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    Been on it for over 3 years and still dizzy.  Worse after a prolonged episode of palpitations due to ectopic heartbeat. Doc's given me Prochlorparazine to help with the sickness I feel regularly but still feel weird and lightheaded alot.  Thinking about trying a different medication after my holiday this year as it drives me mad.  Slightly reluctant as episodes of palpitations are definitely thinner on the ground than they were but still hate feeling odd all the time, like i'm in constant motion.
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    Sian that fills me full of confidence lol I'm going to give it till I'm n blood thinners and see how that goes then back to the doctor
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    Hiya. I was the same when on it. Had to cut down to 1.25mg/day but still wiped out with even that, and still had episides. Consultant agreed to swap me to Verapamil which was better, but stopped that as soon as i could too. Currently just on rivaroxaban thinners. Had first ablation in dec 2015 which has imptoved things a lot, and going back june for a second tweak to try to knock it completely.
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    Hi Glyn, Sorry to hear you are suffering, I also had problems with Bisoporol and I was only given 1.25mg GP said they can take a while to get used to about a month. but the benefits would outway the risks.As Gloria says we all react differntly to medication. I spoke to my pharmacist and she said try taking them in the evening as long as you take them, the time of day doesn't matter, I checked with my GP and he said it was ok so I take mine about 9pm and that worked for me, but they did as you say stop the palps.

    Hang in there mate as gloria says for another few days.

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      For the past 3/4 days I've taken pills after I've had breakfast and I've found that a lot of the symptoms have gone
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    Nice handle cardiac Congo must admit I do feel washed out most of the time got echo on Wednesday to check structure of my heart it's all such a slow process this has been going on since January
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      Lol! Yes. It reflects how ive felt for the past couple of years!! I swapped straight over. Took a few daysto feel the difference. Good luck with your echo.
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    Linda did you slowly change the Time you took them or just changed
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      Hi Glyn,

      when I was told it was ok to do it I missed that morning and took them in the evening 9pm as I said,

      My theory being for most of the side effects that occured I would be asleep !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      A trip to hospital one day they told me to up them to 2.5mg I didn't respond well on that maybe you could ask your doctor if you could drop down to 1.25 and slowly work your way up to 2.5 when you are more used to them


  • Posted

    Bisoprolol is the preferred med for a fib. It supposedly slows the heart! It works well for many people...but not for me. It's been so bad...side effects horrendous. Doc changed it for atenolol...same result! I've read that if you have bad side effects to one beta blocker then you are more likely to have similar probs with alternatives! 

       I've had a fib for 6 years now! It's persistent. No med has helped Palps or b p. I take rivaroxiban and 2.5 rampril! 

    My experience has been mostly docs who've dished out meds and not listened to my concerns! It's taken me years (until reading posts on here and my own research) to find some answers. There's lots of help here and great support.

      Please read the American cardiology latest report on a fib! It's amazing info and so helpful. I wish that I'd the info years ago! 

    I've had a doc appt today. The practice nurse had me in for a review on Tuesday.My pulse was recorded on the ecg she took at 160 bpm! Scary,but I was completely stressed out. My BP has never been over 120, so I had to see my GP today. I've actually now got a doc who will listen. Her mother in law has a fib! The doc was v understanding, looked at my BP readings  and pulse readings I'd been taking over a month. They were both ok, but she explained that I could have a peak so she would prescribe 1.25 bisop, to be taken if I felt the need! She said I would then be in control of what and when I was in need. 

     The relief from that is amazing! I hate bisop and atenolol. Weaning off was so hard. I now have my life back and feel so much better. I've lost 1 stone 10 lbs ...more to go. 3 stone on since taking beta blockers. Weight loss apparently can stop a fib or can at least reduce the symptoms. 

    Dont forget to read the Medscape legacy p1. Look at drjohnm ..cardiologist/ electrophysist. He makes a lot of sense. 

      Hope you are not too exhausted reading this post and find it helpful.

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