Bisoprorol side effects

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Hi Everyone I hope you are all as well as you can be.

Can I ask a somewhat personnel qestion, do any of you that are on Bisoprorol  have any problems with constipation, I have been on it now for over a year and wonder if it is a side effect. 

Thanks L.

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8 Replies

  • Posted


    Gastro-intestinal disturbance is listed as a side-effect in the BNF. Is it not on the product information sheet with the medication?

    Best wishes 


  • Posted

    Hi Linda I am not on those meds but I did have probs with contsipation and the BEST remedy I fpund was PRUNES..immediate relief instad of Laxitives ,,,Not so good for us 
  • Posted

    Hi Linda

    I have been on Bisoprolol for many months now but haven't really noticed any constipation. However, I have, for several years taken about a table spoonful of Lactulose every night which a doctor told me is safe, unlike some laxatives which are harmful taken regularly.


    • Posted

      Thanks everyone, I will try the Lactulose Donald. As you say Pebbalita prunes not so good for those of us on Warfarin.

      Thanks again for replying.  L.

    • Posted

      Orange juice contains vitamin C which is a laxative, few glasses of fresh orange a day might help- no warfarin interaction. 


  • Posted

    Hi Linda-yes - Bisoprolol really slowed my digestion as well as my heart rate. My GP told me that it is quite common with beta blockers. As they are doing a good job slowing down the heart rate other areas tend to slow down at the same time.  Unfortunately since I was a little girl I have had tendency to be a bit sluggish in that area so it's the last thing I need! I actually ended up having haemarroidectomy (sp) last year. Every night I have a bowl of fresh fruit including prunes to help and I also take magnesium taurate supplement to try and help my AF but as a bonus it seems to keep me regular. I know it seems like an awful faff but it's worth it. Xx

    • Posted

      Thanks Whistler,

      I suspected it was the Bisoprolol slowing everything down, just needed some reassurance really, that is why this Forum is so good we are all here for each other, I will take on board your suggestions Thanks for replying.   L x

  • Posted

    Hi Linda, I had been on 2.5 mg Bisoprolol since 2011 after a cardioversion for AF and initially I had the same problem. In February this year my AF returned and my GP doubled the Bisoprolol to 5 mg and the constipation has returned. On my Bisoprolol information sheet it is shown as a common side effest (1 in 10).

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