Bit embarrassing but can i ask!

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I'm about 2 years into peri menopause and not had a period since 8th Nov 2013 but for the last 3 weeks i've has PMT and yesterday and today had a clear discharge with streaks of blood. Is this normal? has anyone else had this? should i be worried. I'd appreciate any help and advice on this cos i'm sure one of you lovely ladies will know. many thanks x

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi anxious face...

    yes i had that, infact... clear discharge has been plentyful during my Peri ( in year 8 ) also yes, I still get pre menstrual symptoms each month and NO period, feel more sensitive, tearful when should be due but dont have one, havent had one since Aug 2013... I have had the discharge with slight streaks blood and thought Oh itson its way and it doesnt come, thats all you get.... but, get the back ache, tummy ache etc, also headache, and feelings of sickness awful, but no period, but rest assured I have sometimes had the slight blood streak...

    hope your okay ... Jay x

  • Posted

    Hi Jay

    thank you for your reassuring reply i feel better already. Yes iv got all those symptoms too but no real period. i knew i could rely on you to answer, your so lovely and thoughtful to taken the time to reply so quickly thank you again. Hope you'v still bursting with energy, make the most of it and enjoy. lots of love x

  • Posted

    Hi. How do you know you are in peri menopause- let alone the number of years? I think I have been in peri menopause but do not know for sure. I have had to menopause test but both have come back negative. HELP!!
  • Posted

    Hi Godblessed

    you ask how do you know if peri or not... well can only base it on my own experience, first.. was night sweats at age approx 40/41 years of age, woke up drenched, legs slipping off each other with sweat, also hot flushesby day and urge to wee alot, and brain fog, and emotional, took things to heart... then like you my FSH blood test was negative, but.... only because ( Dr Said) my hormones were probably more level at that time, I then bought some home testing pee sticks for menopause and often did them, and bingo they began to show I was positive for peri meno... since then like now, my blood test FSH test is peri menopausal... the FSH blood tests can be tricky as the hormone levels fluctuate all the time during peri...

    and I began all this 8 years ago, at first also I had weird prolonged periods and bled for 21 months either normal, heavy, spotting, streaking, without many clear days, it drove me crazy... hope this helps abit..

    take care Jay x

  • Posted

    hi anxious face..

    yes energy levels still superb, feel so much better still at the moment, been about a month of feeling chipper, thanks to good old iron tabs.... hope your okay .... dont worry about what you mentioned, I have been there, infact still get a streak sometimes now... 3 months ago I was like that.... Jay xxxx

  • Posted

    hi godblessed, thanks for your reply. I started to feel faint suddenly about 2 years ago, my periods had been a bit erratic which was unusual for me then came the anxiety all of which i didn't put down to on onset of the menopause because i knew very little about it. my GP said slim perimenopausal women can often feel faint then gave me a print out on HRT and sent me on my way (no blood test). iv since had every test known to man and they can only come up with low blood sugar and low blood pressure. Only at the end of last year did i experience slight night sweats but nothing to bad. I then started my own research and discovered this site and others and was in total shock reading what these ladies are going or been through and recognised i too have many of the same symptoms and as im 51 it does all add up. so that's why i know im perimenopausal i'v taken a guess at 2 years but could of been longer. my doctors refused to do the blood tests when i asked as they said they were not accurate or conclusive as our hormones change all the time. what are your symptoms hun ? take care and keep in touch. sending you a comforting hug x
  • Posted

    Thanks for your thoughtful response.

    2-3 ago really terrible anxiety kicked in causing me to go on sertraline. I put it down at the time to stress and ongoing journey of recovery from childhood trauma- though in that regard it felt like I was going backwards as I had never felt the need for medication as difficult as that journey had got over the years.

    Then there was the night chest sweats during that time. Periods also became a bit heavier and I felt like an old eating disorder was coming back. About 6 months ago anxiety totally subsided and I weaned myself off medication.


  • Posted

    Hi again..

    i forgot that one ... but have mentioned it on other headings on here, in my very early peri ... as well as 21 months of weird ongoing periods, I also had 3 fainting bouts, ( in 18 month period) one was in a big store ( Boots) in a city, I felt unwell and asked the makeup lady if I could sit on her stool, which was high up, and I went, bang, passed out, fell off stool, I banged my head on the floor and woke with a policeman going through my phone, and paramedics... my blood pressure was very very low, I never have high blood pressure its always on low side.. 100 to 110 / 65 ish even now, but it went down to 65 .... good lord, I began to recognise the dizzy spells and as soon as i felt this way would sit or lie down depending where I was, and was told to eat little and often and always breakfast, this helped alot, I dont have them now ... its very scary as back then I began to not want to go out alone and lived in fear.. but now its passed.. and I always eat little and often, and force abit of breakfast down even if I dont want it, also weight loss to the point of being skeletal, my family thought I was seriously ill, but i wasnt... thank goodness.. it was just early peri for me... hope you ladies are okay today .. Jayx

  • Posted

    Denise, so pleased you weaned yourself off the AD meds, as Peri is a natural, but pain of a change for us ladies, Years ago I also took AD's but like you weaned off, to me it masked my problem preventing me from dealing with it and cracking on with life, all depends of course on each persons situation and need its all personal, but happy u weaned off, I felt much better after I stopped anti depressants, they did fog me up, couldnt think straight, but now okay.. was offered them a few weeks ago, for peri anxiety as eas at my lowest with anxiety a few weeks ago, took one, felt awful, couldn't walk straight, banging i to door frames I was after just one, so thought no thank you and threw them away, since iron tabs have helped me, still feeling good.... first time in years... ( I took Ads before Peri it was years ago ) nothing to do with anxiety for Peri... hugs Jay x
  • Posted

    hi jayneejay. we sound as if we started off the same with the fainting and the low blood pressure mine went down to 85/58 at one point. I've just been for a reflexology session and its left me feeling quite dizzy which usually doesn't happen. I wonder if its because i'm having a bit of a period but not a real one. Anyway I'm sure I'll be better after a lovely bath. Hope your days been ok jay. hugs x
  • Posted

    heres a new one... itchy crawly skin feeling... i have that tonight ... feels like ants on you...

    had it once before a while ago... suppose to be a meno symptom, hormonal... horrid...

    anyone else had this ? other than this which i hope will pass soon .. i am fine at mo...

    Jay xxx

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