Bit of reassurance
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Hello ladies,
I'm looking for a bit of morale support and reassurance if you have any to spare! Last 10 days I can feel the old symptoms returning, bit of anxiety, so tired, knot in my stomach, trouble sleeping etc and the funny heart beat returned, its the one where it feels like you've skipped a beat. I had it on Friday and had such a fright I went to the hospital. Everything is fine, they think it's probably my thyroid but the last 2 days it's like I've lost my confidence again. I can feel myself overthinking and it's causing the adrenaline rushes and old feelings returning. I know it's nothing and I know Iwillbfind a way through but I just feel a bit sad, hopeless and worried today. Thankyou for reading xxx
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liz28780 Sassyr12a
Hi love hang on in there, it will pass . I turn into an anxious quivering mess nearly every 6 weeks. I seek reassurance constantly at this time from my husband and family. I believe I am going to die which lasts for 2 to 5 days ,its crippling and then suddenly I go back to feeling almost myself again. During the last episode I found reading the experiences of others on this forum really helpful. The only people who truly understand are those who have either lived through or are living through this often fearful experience.
Kadija1966 Sassyr12a
Hello Sassy
I'm feeling the same, had to rush to ER last week, numbness is my arm, chest, head. Stomach pains. Missed heartbeat. Honestly I thought it was a heart attack. I live alone and I was scared to death driving myself to hospital at 2am. The doctor did an ECG and blood tests. All was fine.
I have this symptoms like every six months. I know it's nothing much but my doctor says it's some menopause anxiety, giving me panic attacks in my sleep which can be very scary for anyone.
I am back to normal now. Mild fatigue and bloating symptoms which also surfaces every 3 or 6 months.
I can totally understand how you feel. Luckily you have your family for support which can be a lifesaver during those times. Bless.
Do not worry too much, I'm sure things will be OK.
Thanks so much ladies. I know you are right and I am really lucky to have family but sometimes it's only the ladies of the forum that understand. I've been on hrt for about 18mths and even though it's better than it was its not magic.... Wish it was! Thankyou for responding xx
cindy17746 Sassyr12a
I've been there too. Good for a while and then bam, very, very bad for a while. And anxiety makes it all worse. Thank God for this forum. No one gets it like these ladies.
kelly55079 Sassyr12a
Yes hang in there, it will pass--- I tell myself this and it usually does..This last week I had a bout of anxiety which lead to me losing my confidence and then it snowballed.. tired, weak, shaky, little appetite, etc.. I have no idea why I get like this. I was 'balling' like a baby last Monday night to my sister so now mom and sister are concerned.. UGHI feel like an idiot but I am slowly coming around.There's only so much we can take.
amy341731 Sassyr12a
oh my goodness, I am feeling the exact same way! But at least now I can look back and know its this wretched perimenopause..I lived through it a few months ago and I will again. I seem to have the same symptoms you mentioned about 3 times a year and its awful!! Anxiety being the worst, stomach troubles, heart palpitations, super exhausted yet trouble sleeping..So glad I found you all! Hang in there and reach out as needed.
liz28780 Sassyr12a
It's a nightmare to experience all these symptoms and people do not truly understand. I am described as being neurotic which is quite unhelpful ( even if I am a bit). Its debilitating, however being able to discuss with others reassures me immensely knowing that I am not going crazy. Thank you x
jackie95472 Sassyr12a
Oh girls, what a horror all this mess is !! Perimenopause started May 11, 2013, it now Sept. 29, 2019 and this is my third time going through crap. I had two very serious bleeds, the second bleed was the one that confirmed I needed an ablation of my Uterus. I was very seriously ill but told it was all normal that this is what women go through during our transition into menopause. WTH !! I lost my job because I could no longer function. EXHAUSTION, HOT FLASHES, ACID REFLUX (LOST 20 POUNDS) HEADACHES (STILL ON NORTRIPTYLINE), MOOD I felt like I wanted to die BUT only in the morning ??? then my mood lifted as the day went on. Took Prozac, it worked, off it now. TOOK ME OVER A YEAR TO FEEL NORMAL AGAIN.
This time around I began to feel tired and them BOOM it hit me. The bone tired feeling, Acid Reflux, Hot Flashes, headaches too. Not as severe. I'm not in a panic about it, I understand what is happening inside my body. I take naps in the afternoon and I try to be really good to myself. I went to go back to work and BOOM my pelvic floor needs to be repaired. They are taking out my uterus and pulling up my bladder. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL !! The exhaustion scares me, the whole thing is scary but thank you for making me feel like I'm not ALONE.
jackie95472 Sassyr12a
Oh girls, what a horror all this mess is !! Perimenopause started May 11, 2013, it now Sept. 29, 2019 and this is my third time going through crap. I had two very serious bleeds, the second bleed was the one that confirmed I needed an ablation of my Uterus. I was very seriously ill but told it was all normal that this is what women go through during our transition into menopause. WTH !! I lost my job because I could no longer function. EXHAUSTION, HOT FLASHES, ACID REFLUX (LOST 20 POUNDS) HEADACHES (STILL ON NORTRIPTYLINE), MOOD I felt like I wanted to die BUT only in the morning ??? then my mood lifted as the day went on. Took Prozac, it worked, off it now. TOOK ME OVER A YEAR TO FEEL NORMAL AGAIN.
This time around I began to feel tired and them BOOM it hit me. The bone tired feeling, Acid Reflux, Hot Flashes, headaches too. Not as severe. I'm not in a panic about it, I understand what is happening inside my body. I take naps in the afternoon and I try to be really good to myself. I went to go back to work and BOOM my pelvic floor needs to be repaired. They are taking out my uterus and pulling up my bladder. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL !! The exhaustion scares me, the whole thing is scary but thank you for making me feel like I'm not ALONE.
liz28780 Sassyr12a
What an absolute horrible time you have gone through Jackie. You are not alone, even though it feels like it sometimes. If we share our experiences then it can give some reassurance to each other I hope.
Thanks for sharing ladies, makes me feel less alone and scared. I'm usually pretty good at giving advice and loads of times I've shared my story along with what helps and doesn't help me. This morning I've realised that I'd got a bit complacent with it, stopped doing the things that were positive in the past like exercise, yoga, meditation etc. I've gone back into the mode of work, stress, family etc and it doesn't do me any good. I'm going to try and apply the advice I've given to others and get some fresh air and calm.... Thats the theory ðŽðĪŠ xx
kelly55079 Sassyr12a
Yes.. I think I have not been doing things that once made me feel good. Before, I would make the time and do it no matter what. Now, it just seems more difficult to do these things-- not sure why. My friend told me over the weekend she gets discouraged but keeps pushing thru.
Sassyr12a kelly55079
It is hard Kelly. I don't know why but I start to feel better then stop because I do and then it feels like you're back to square 1. After my empowering post this morning I went to work and thought I was going to pass out ð... That will teach me! Don't know about you, but it feels like a flipping job, doctors, trying to feel better, different symptoms and trying to work out what the heck has dropped off this time! It's a pain in the flipping bum xxx
kelly55079 Sassyr12a
Yes it is hard... I know.. I'm trying to stay on my supplements and eat the best I can. This morning I did swim but still something is off!! Just keep moving forward and hopefully this will pass.
Sassyr12a kelly55079
Know what you mean. Last year I did a lot of running and it was amazing for my mood and confidence, so last night I gave it a go..... My god! I was like a demented flamingo! I'm hoping the groove will come back... Preferably before I break a hip ð xx
2chr2015 Sassyr12a
way to go sassy! we must keep pushing through. it has been so hot here...even at night that i just cant do anything outside. i have to go to the gym which takes a little more effort for me.