Black Co-osh and/or Bee-Pearl
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I've been living with perimenopause symptoms for around 4 years now. My Doctor is reluctant to do blood tests to confirm but reading all the posts on here and only having one period in 7 months (when usually I am regular as clockwork) makes me believe this is what the symptoms are!
A friend has recommended Black Co-osh and Bee-Pearl and I wondered if anyone else has taken these and if they feel they work.
Has anyone taken any other herbal remedies they could recommend?
Thank you, I've never taken vitamins before so any advise would be appreciated.
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rachel54558 Polly2020
Black Co-osh can cause liver damage. i would not recommend take it . most herbal remedies have no scientific evidence behind them . i would be very careful.
Polly2020 rachel54558
Thank you, it's so hard to know what to take with so many different options!
reva31742 Polly2020
I have taken a black cohosh supplement before and not had any problems in fact it helped with my hot flashes and sleeping. It was an am & pm formula that also had soy in it. I can't get that particular one anymore, but it worked great. 😃
Polly2020 reva31742
Thank you, all my friends are so different with the symptoms they have and how they treat them. I suppose I just have to try. I am holding off HRT for now but feel it will be the way to go soon.
tracyjgordon Polly2020
I take black Cohosh every day and it really helps with menopause symptoms.
Isabella789 Polly2020
My liver enzymes were elevated after taking black cohosh for two months. Stopped taking and my enzymes went back to normal. I felt great when I was taking it through.
My sister has been taking it for years and her liver is fine.