Bladder problems
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Menopause is kicking my arse, so many different symptoms, some really frightening. Muscle and joint aches, stiffness, inner trembling feeling, racing heart, body twitches, cystitis, problems with sex from dryness so causing me thrush, etc etc. Now though I'm having really bad problems holding my urine in, especially when I'm trying to get to the toilet in time, I'm literally weeing myself whist I'm pulling my pants down. I've had a weak bladder for years but it as got so much worse. I'm only 50 and I think if it carries on like this I will be incontinent in a few years. I'm so worried I hate been like this. Does anyone else suffer. Xxx
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jude87739 lisa17089
Yes Lisa glad i am not the only one, i am sometimes fine, then another night im trickling urine down my legs and cant get to my loo which is practically in the next room, thinking how bad is this gonna get!
noticed after sex i am weeing all the time.
CarolKelso lisa17089
Hi there
oh i struggle with the same....i cannot drink much as im on the certain times of the month its worse and ill be up 3 and four times a night. A nightmare at times.
You aint alone x CK
Scooby65 lisa17089
yup going through it I'm 53 and I want to kill myself why exist
Gigi368 lisa17089
I started having the same problems. I also have AV but I was sent to pelvic floor PT. Your kegel muscles are most likely the cause. I found out I was doing them wrong lol.. since I started doing them correctly and every day I've had a HUGE improvement. I'm good unless I have to go so bad my eyes are floating and i cough or sneeze, still some stress incontinence. I also bought a pelvic floor exerciser. I'm sure I cant put the link in here but if you'd like to know the name send me a message. It tracts your progress and increases the resistance as those muscles get stronger, when it vibrates you squeeze until it stops. It's very comfortable which is a huge plus for AV sufferers.
menopolized Gigi368
hi gigi, plz send me links to kegels as you do them and pelvic floor exerciser. thanks. I think I am doing the kegels wrong.
Gigi368 menopolized
Message sent! Message me if the links don't work or if you have questions!!
lisa17089 Gigi368
Hi gigi
Can you please send me links to both
Gigi368 lisa17089
Message sent!
jude87739 lisa17089
Yes please can i have the link too!
i have tried to do exercises that the nurse suggested for months post ovaries removal, no joy tho
at least we are not suffering alone
Gigi368 jude87739
Message sent 😀
nicky98482 lisa17089
Hi Lisa
I have always suffered with cystitis and i have CKD and I also feel for you with the achy joints and racing heart. Try some herbal remedy for the racing heart, like kalms. You can get them in sweet form they they can be taken wherever you are. With cystitis, try drinking barley water or cranberry juice.
I also swear by acupuncture. Have a look at some pelvic floor exercises for the other issue.