Bladder still bothering me!!!!

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Bladder continues to give me problems after drinking a few glasses of wine a week ago!!! I had got this sorted with stopping drinking and HRT and a drug called mirabegron for the bladder.  Anyone else had bladder flare ups and how long did they last.  I defo don't have a UTI as had it checked.  PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!

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    sorry I can't help you but I really feel for you I'm going through this bladder discomfort also really need to pee and while it doesn't hurt to go but a couple of minutes later it's just so nasty and makes you miserable I suffer with IBS and have noticed that when that starts to play up my bladder also plays up sorry I can't help but your not alone and I feel for you x


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      Lynn thank you so much for your kind words.  I don't have IBS but when my bladder upset it affects my bowel. Today it is actually a bit better.  I have read that impact exercise such as running during a flare up aggravates it and I ran on Thursday.  Also drinking too much fluids also makes it worse.  So today I watched my fluid intake, just kept to normal amounts, and at the gym did weights and strength training.  Squats actually helps because it opens up and relaxes the pelvic area.  I also have found slowly massaging my lower tummy just above the pubic bones helps and positive thinking..... I chant "it will pass".  I believe doing a full squat and sitting in it for a few seconds can help.......I also feel for you.  It is a horrible complaint and I hope this flare up you are experiencing goes very soon.  Take care.XXXX
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    I've had terrible bladder problems on and off over the past 8 years.  Vagifem tablets cured me first time round but I don't really want to take hormones again, especially as I suffer from unexplained post menopausal bleeding.  I am taking flax seed oil and vitamin E which is supposed to help.  The best thing I can recommend is amitriptylene which at very low doses does take away the constant feeling of wanting to go.
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      Thanks Helen...I have dicided to give it another week then go back to Docs.  I am already on mirabegron which was working until I had half a bottle of wine...never again.  I am going to ask for further investigations into this and see a consultant.  See what they think and see if they find anything. I will ask about Amitriptylene but it is quite addictive I think....but I would give anything a go tbh.XX
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    I'm certainly not finding it addictive, and neither do I have to wait several weeks for it to take effect.  I suspect it is different at the doses you take for pain relief which are very low.  
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      Yes Helen I did some research andyou are correct, not that I doubted you, it is used for pain relief and incontinence at low doses.  Do you take it long term?
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      I took it for 8 months first time round, I cut back gradually to be on the safe side and to check that symptoms weren't going to reappear.  This time I'm taking it as needed, and only 10mg a night, helps me sleep to, added bonus!

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