Bleeding after 18 months without
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Hi Ladies I am having a major panic as a week or so ago i started with sore boobs n then felt really pms like down n depressed and headachy and then had some spotting which went on to a very light period. i have not had a period since coming off norethetirone to thin my womb lining so its been 18 months. I went to drs on advice Wednesday and hes got me straight in at hosp monday for a biopsy n scan. Has anyone else been like this as im petrified of wot it will show and the form at drs sed gynaecological cancer referral form. Thanx.
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bobbysgirl Deezy1960
michelle50768 Deezy1960
I agree with bobbysgirl.
Dont panic. They always do a cancer referral in these cases. It just means you get seen quickly. Otherwise you wou
Sorry phone messing about thats why the message is in two parts.
Keep us updated
All the best xx
susan21149 Deezy1960
Do you take Progesterone pills to help with your hormanes. If so the progesterone pill can cause sore boobs it can also cause bleeding so can estrogen even if you are in peri or in menopause these two medications can make you bleed and give you sore boobs.
You should ask your doctor or you should call this number 1-800-FDA-1088 they can tell you right out what progesterone pills can due and it can bring on a period too. Read the side effects