Bleeding after 2 years without a period
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Iam 58. Its been nearly 2 years since my last period. this morning i had started to bleed again. Nothing heavy but my breasts felt sore the last few mornings. I have had terrible hot flushes the last few years and had a great emotional shock when my best friend dropped dead in front of me 2 months ago, still in shock. Now the night sweats have suddenly stopped and i get a bleed? I am in the UK and with corvid 19 about I am frightened to go to the docs . feeling scared
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tracey56393 linda46597
hello Linda,
not been through the Menopause myself but Perimenopausal and hating it.
I have looked through lots of posts on here and a number of them come up with women having their periods come back after a number of years out the other side,
And alot have recurred when they have been under Stress or in shock,this looks like its more common than not,something to do with high Oestrogen from the stress,and what youve been through and this awful Pandemic too you are indeed under alot of Stress.
Stress and shock can also STOP our periods aswell , we are such complicated Ladies.
Stay safe take a moment to breathe and feel some sunshine on your face.
linda46597 tracey56393
thank you for your kind words. Very little blood and almost stopped as soon as it started. Stress levels through the roof again xx
Max2626 linda46597
Hi Linda I am 52 and I hadn't a period or bleeding for 11 months and had this last month. I felt just as you described and my breasts felt achy and no hot flushes for the last few weeks either which I had noticed (happily 😃) Mine lasted about 4 days - dark blood mainly and some lighter on days 2 and 3 and not a lot just enough to have me worried. So I spoke to my GP for reassurance and she referred me for a scan on a two week pathway which has me in a panic about C19 contamination etc going to the local hospital! I had the scan last Friday and saw a consultant immediately after it - all was well and she said this is very common especially when you're under stress - like you I've had a stressful time recently. The hospital was empty too and I got seen so quickly and felt no threat once there. Hope this helps you - I was amazed at my GP for referring me for a scan but it turned out to be the best thing to put my mind at rest. May be worth a chat to your GP over the phone as I did? Hope you're Ok and so sorry to hear about your friend - that's too awful to imagine. I had a similar experience over 5 years ago with my best friend. Sending you hugs Max x
linda46597 Max2626
oh thanks so much. Hopefully I can chat to a doctor this week by phone x
has just turned into a proper period 😦
louellen39047 linda46597
Hi Linda:
It's very likely that you've simply not completely adjusted hormonally to being totally menopausal and the stress that you've encountered.
However, that being said, 2 years after having nothing can potentially be something that at the very least needs some looking or talking about with a healthcare professional. The reason that I'm saying this (though I was NOT considered menopausal even at the age of 59 and bled quite a bit), upon a hysterectomy done out of sheer being fed up on my part and the ob/gyn's part, found a polyp on pathology (no cancer or precancer).
I went about a year without anything but some spotting then the flood gates opened. LOL.
There's usually nothing wrong but, better to be more proactive than not, right? I know someone who let this type of thing go on and on and was 8 years post menopause apparently. When looked at, she did end up with endometrial cancer to which she had a hysterectomy (around the same time as mine) and chemo and is doing well but, don't leave it too long to at the very least, talk it over (via phone or Skype or whatever it is that she/he uses) and let him/her decide if simple blood tests for hormonal levels are necessary.
By the way, I was 61 years of age when I had my hysterectomy and STILL wasn't menopausal but, they did find a polyp and with constant bleeding was prolapsed as well. I'm not saying that your case is anywhere near what I'm saying here but, best to be safe than sorry by calling someone to talk about it, right? You can rest assured better after that.
While I can't say that one shouldn't worry about Covid-19, most places are taking the proper precautions and only by appointment, and segregating patient testings (if even a blood test is needed or an ultrasound or whatever). It's pretty safe by comparison and like one poster has said, pretty quiet with no one there other than the technicians. Don't be afraid if you can help it of C-19.
My ONLY aim is to cause you to think about this situation with LESS anxiety but, at the least, talk to a healthcare professional vs a net forum. It's GREAT for help but, the only way to tell is by speaking to a professional.
Hope that I've helped in some way and not made you MORE anxiety riddled as that was NEVER my intention in saying what I've said here.
Be well and HUGE HUGS (from a distance).