Bleeding After D&C
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I had a D&C about 5 days ago and am still bleeding. The last D&C I had pre-menopause in my mid-40s resolved a bleeding issue and I felt great. Now I'm 53 and find it has been much more difficult; took longer to recover from the anesthesia and passing small clots. Has anyone had a D&C and does this sound normal?
I have a follow-up with my doctor tomorrow and am really anxious about the pathology results which are already in but it sounds like my doctor wants to share the results in person...yikes! I had a pelvic ultrasound and a biopsy and the results were normal. Reason for D&C was spotting due to polyps.
My period was due before the D&C and I feel like I may have it now but I don't even think this is possible due to the removal of the lining.Can you still get your period right after a D&C?
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kelly55079 Marinab
Wow you have had 2 D&C's??I'm having it done next week due to heavy periods. My understanding was that this would help me get to meno--- she told me many of her patients are done bleeding after this. But she also said if this doesn't I will have to look into just waiting till it stops OR a hysterectomy. So yes I think that it's possible to continue with a period even if it's lite and it could just be from the leftovers as you were saying your period was due. Good luck tomorrow!!!
Marinab kelly55079
Thank you! I hope yours goes well next week.
The D&C is a very effective procedure and it should stop the heavy bleeding. Many friends and famly members have had it and they were really happy after. I think it is just residual bleeding from the polyp removal. It seems similar to bleeding after childbirth.
Hopefully my doctor it too busy and didn't have a chance to call with the results. I'm trying not to overthink it.
kelly55079 Marinab
How did you appointment go? I'm sure everything is OK and he just wanted to talk in person. Just wanted to ask-- Did you stop all your vitamin intake before the surgery? I have BUT now I'm wondering why I stopped my multi-- vit D--magnesium--iron.... I know fish oil causes clots but the general vit should not..
Marinab kelly55079
Hi Kelly -
Benign polyps! I'm so relieved. She didn't even realize I was so concerned. I don't really take any vitamins because everything upsets my stomach.
Did you have yours yet? I am still bleeding a has been about 9 days. I go back again next week for final post op.
Thanks and good luck with your procedure. Best sleep ever:)
kelly55079 Marinab
Thank-you!! Mine is Tuesday and I really need some good sleep!! : )
I'm happy that it was nothing worrisome-- I would like to think if it was they would have called you ASAP!!
Marinab kelly55079
The anticipation is the worst part then you will feel good after.Good luck and give yourself credit for following the protocal rather than using homeopathic rememedies that may delay the process.
You are right. The nurse said "we would have called you immediately if there was a problem and fast track those situations". In the end no news is good news:)