Bleeding after menopause
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I have just had about five days light bleeding after my periods had stopped about 11 months ago.
I have had a polyp removed from outside my uterus but another one was found inside it after an ultrasound scan. I am due to go back for another appt. I'm rather worried - all the usual stuff - what if its not benign etc. although my doctor says it probably is. I wasnt at all worried about it when I was told I had it, but now I've read more and realized what it could be I'm getting more worried. Anyone else had anything similar? Thanks alot.
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elaine33371 ursulauc62
Ive been post for a year now, and so far no more bleeds, however, my sister was post with no periods for 3 years, and then had a bleed, she was given scan, and smear both normal, put it down to, her body just getting rid of, what was on the womb from having enough hormones still left to do it, like a clean out the drs said, i have a couple of friends the same thing happened to them after two years being post, so, its not unheard of, so, it could mean nothing, but getting it checked is the right thing to do, easier said than done i know, but try not worry about it until you know whats going on, cross your bridges when hyou come to them in you can!!
Benign polyps will make you bleed, but you obviously know they can change........... i have fibroids their benign, but can also change, and they make you bleed as well in between periods, but the blood ive lost from them in between, had a thicker consistency, and was darker in colour, it didnt remind me of a period, except the cramping, so, if yours was exactly like a period but lighter in colour, with normal texture, could just be a period, it happens, but at least your getting it checked, and the drs are being cautious, which, is a good sign.
verena6528 ursulauc62
a) go to the appointment
b) googling will do nothing to abate your anxiety. just stop doing it.
ursulauc62 verena6528
This is just - 'here we go again'. I worried about all the others, and needlessly - no point worrying about this one. Even if it is anything its probably very early stage, so I'll shut the worry off. If it was anything something would probably have shown up on the ultrasound and biopsy and bloodtest.
elainesuz76 ursulauc62
elaine33371 elainesuz76