Bleeding again!!

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Hi ladies, 

I had my period 16 days ago and was on for 5-6 days 2-3 of these quite heavy and now I'm bleeding again and have all the usual period stuff, cramps, headache, complete tiredness.  This has NEVER happened to me in my 45 years.

My periods have been irregular now since January 2016 but between 23 and 36 days and my symptoms are various and change from week to week. 

Also over the last couple of weeks started flushing more often, couple of really sweaty ones but mostly a total heat wave that passes after a couple of minutes.

I'm going to hand forms into new doctors surgery tomorrow as my current one won't admit I'm peri menopause even with all my symptoms and FSH level at 16.

Anyone had mid cycle bleeding or two periods in such a short time?? 

Big squishy hugs to you all. 

Sheena x

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi.. yes ive had this happen a few times.. usually happens when ive either missed a period or was really late.. then i would get 2 periods in 2 weeks.  Its due to your hormone levels been all over the place.. the body has no idea what its doing and when to do it rolleyes Very annoying.  Im 48 and have been having these issues for a year now, No periods at all for 4 months.. ten started again.. but now they irregular , sometimes really heavy and often miss or am a few weeks late. Its all part of the last stage of peri so i have read. I mentioned it to my doctor but he wasent concerned and just said its part of the bodies final throws with hormones.. As to how long will it last?... how long is a piece of string.. haha  smile 
    • Posted

      Thanks for reply. 

      I've had symptoms and irregular periods for nearly 2 years but can't get a doctor to agree to heading towards menopause because I haven't missed a period. I just deal with things best I can but don't think I could deal with having 2 periods every month. I'm hoping to God this is the start of the end but I doubt it haha. Anyway hoping me may be more understanding and supportive. 

      Hoping you're coping okay. It's a bloody nightmare isn't it xxx 

    • Posted

      Agree with the nightmare.. ive been living with chronic illness since my early 20s but nothing prepared me for this sad   My symptoms started bad 4 years ago and at that time my periods went to every 3 weeks.. symptoms settled within 18months and then my periods went back to 4 weeks and i felt great for about 2 years.  Started with weird anxiety and aload of new symptoms last february ,,, didnt twig what was happening till august last year when my periods stopped altogether and world war 3 broke out rolleyes  its been a rough old year i can tell you but things are starting to improve again ...  Mood swings not so bad... constant shaking and tremor has also improved dramatically.  Onlly get the odd hot flush usually when my periods stop... but still getting the night sweats stomach issues and anxiety but not as bad.  All in all im about 50% better so am so grateful for that smile even small improvements have helped with quality of life.

      Ive only had the the double period happen twice and that was following my period stopping for 4 months... ive either missed, been late in the past 6 months.  So hopefully it wont be a regular thing for you .. just another hump in the road to navigate.  Most docs are so ignorant when it comped to menopause .  I had an emergency appointment last august due to chronic migraine and neck stiffness  and that doctor picked up straight away on menopause.. i wouldnt mind he was only a young guy, it was weird as that was the start of no periods for 4 months.  Its a tough road on its own without having doctors not listening and helping. Maybe try another doctor?  you need some support smile as we all do.

    • Posted

      Are you taking anything for your symptoms?? 

      I'm in process of changing doctors so hopefully will maybe get some answers when I see new lady. X

  • Posted


    Yes this was happening to me since I started pre menopause, about 3-4 years ago, extremely heavy, then the next 2 weeks  normal flow but all lasting longer than they use to by 2 days.  I now get my period every 3 months.  But as always if you think something is not right consult you physician.

    My other issues I am having is the anxiety, heart palpitations, lactose intolerance, bowel changes to name a few.... man when I was younger I always said I couldn't wait until menopause so I won't have a period and just thought it was that and hot flashes along with mood swings......boy was I wrong I don't even know my body anymore 


    • Posted

      Thanks for reply. 

      To be honest it's not as easy as just getting checked out by doctor, our surgery is rubbish, they have no permanent doctors therefore you have no continuity of care and no one really listens. I'm in process of changing surgeries to try and solve this problem and get some answers. 

      My periods have changed dramatically over 18 months I've gone from regular as clockwork 28 days with normal flow to anywhere between 23-36 days really heavy,  multitude of symptoms to many to list. 

      I also thought come on menopause lets get these periods stopped.. If only it was that simple. 

      Big squishy hugs to you and hopefully better days are around the corner for us all xxx 

  • Posted


    I totally understand, I thought something was wrong with me as well it seemed like every 2 weeks I was having a period and yes heavy with couldn't tell me that something was not wrong.  All my doctor keep saying that your to early to be in any menopause state.  I got all types of ultrasounds and testing done (forcibly from my doctor).  so now with the anxiety and all the other horrible, uncomfortable, making you think your about to die or something is wrong symptoms of per menopause, my doctor (a new one) is saying you have anxiety about everything so again had to force her to run tests.  But irregular heavy, long, missing and sometimes short periods are definitely one of the first signs.

    So keep up the fight and continue until you feel your okay...and yes blessings to all woman

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