Bleeding again at 45 after early menopause at 29!
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So glad I have found this site I went through early menopause at 29 and am now 45 the last 4 years I have had bleeds once or twice a year which has resulted in me having vaginal scan and followed up with endometrial biopsy as scan has shown thickening womb . Results have always come back ok now feeling scared had another bleed last week and I have scan again next Thursday it seems to be happening a lot but no explanation I am already getting worked up if I need biopsy again . .They say they wish they could give me answers but hav ent come across someone who was menopausal at 29 but 8 years after hrt it reversed for a few months then my levels showed Dec menopausal again don't know wots happening anymore.
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vicky77852 lorraine22738
Are you still on hrt? If yes it happens often due to hormonal fluctuations. If no maybe your ovaries start function again? If scans are clear don't worry!
lorraine22738 vicky77852
Thanks Vicky no they took me off the HRT about two years ago . It's just it raises its ugly head every year and I am always so scared of the endometrial biopsy and waiting for results , I am wondering if I should be considering a hysterectomy keyhole although I know this is major surgery just hate going through this all the time .😣
ImagineOneDay lorraine22738
Please try not to worry. From what you are describing it is not the first time you started bleeding since you were 29. It looks like your hormons were still active and doing things time after time. Perhaps use of HRT made ypu active again. Please don't worry and wait for the result.
lorraine22738 ImagineOneDay
vicky77852 lorraine22738