Bleeding again i'm 60!
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I am scared again, I hadn't had a period bleeding since last June when I started a very very very heavy period since not having one for almost two years, so in June and July 2016 I had pap smears, internal ultra sound and bisopies including 5 tubes of blood and my hormone blood work which in June 2016 after all the test results and bleeding my obgyn says blood work results some showed me still premenopausal and not menopause and I may have a period again well it all stopped and went little over 1 year of no bleeding BUT and today I woke up and wiped and had bright blood all over the toliet paper my heart started racing and panic set in. I soaped up and right now no more blood unless its going to start back up today or tonight, the last two days I had lower back ache and such. I'm now 60 , please pray for me and that it's not internal bleeding from my Diverticulitis. It was bright red blood on toilet paper after wiping from urinating. It's Saturday so can't call obgyn until Monday. Scared and can't help but panic! This ever happening to an one else MY age group. All test results in 2016 was normal. Now Oct 2017 I wake up and wipe with bright red blood all over toilet paper. I hope to hear from anyone trying to calm heart rate down.
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Suki_girl Guest
lynda20916 Guest
Sorry you're going through this. From what I've read on this site, women do have this happen. But you are right in going to your ob/gyn to check. I understand what you're going through--but you are going to find out what's causing this, not hope that "it all goes away" as so many women do. Usually, things like this can be sorted, if found in time. You're in my prayers.
Please let us know how you get on. xx
Guest lynda20916
Yeah the scary is I had this happen in 2016 in which I hadn't had a period in almost two years then, and now its been 14 months no bleeding until today. I pray it's not coming through vaginal area and it be internal and not coming from uterus. I had 3 bowl movements and see no blood there or in toilet as of yet and nothing when I wipe so far today except when I urinated this morning and wiped and there was blood all over the toilet paper. I am not sexually active nor mess with myself , I am a widow so I have no ideal and even pushing toilet paper up in some still shows no blood unless its going to pick up later again. NO one scare me because I ALREADY have a serious panic and anxiety disorder when it comes to health and I don't take any meds at all for anything.
cmt96701 Guest
Hi there crosoda8
Listen, I know your scared and thoughts racing BUT slow down and breath, that’s right just breath sister... I know it’s hard but don’t let your mind take you to those places.
i know , trust me I have done this.
The good news is IS you last seen her in 2016 and ALL WAS GOOD; this was only a year ago... this is good news...
I truly get it but allow yourself to remember that...This is very normal what you are experiencing. I know it’s going to be hard to shut your mind off but take 5 minuets at a time and try and get through this weekend...
i will be lifting you up in prayer I promise
Guest cmt96701
cmt96701 Guest
our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus always bring peace, mercy and Love.
Dont be afraid He is your peace
marcia_27799 Guest
Well Crosado feeling with you, I am right this minute having the same problem. I was Friday in an horrible emotional state my blood pressure went up ( and I don't suppose to have blood pressure issues) my heart was racing I decided to call my primary who was worried about me and put me until Monday in a blood pressure meds that honestly make me feel worse i just took half the second time yesterday and I call my obgyn telling what happened and asking if it was my HRT that needs be adjusted again because they were lowered 2 weeks ago caused for my period to comeback after 6 months ugh 😑 Stopped on Wednesday i have a breakdown on Thursday night and Friday and I little better day on Saturday, Saturday night my anxiety went up I too lorazepam and felt sleep. Now went to the restroom and same as you 3:43 am I am bleeding again came out light bloody period when I cleaned myself. Welcome to the club, the question of the million is What can I do to feel better? When this will end ? Please need to be human again!!! ?? Me
Guest marcia_27799
Marcia, may I ask how old you are? I'm not on HRT and yours may have been due to the adjustment of your HRT. I wiped and there was blood all over the toilet paper but then nothing at all afterwards as of yet. Has this ever happened to anyone on here you wipe and theres blood all over toilet paper but nothing at all after that? I am scared it will come more at any time but so far no more. Can there be a time where you wipe and have the blood but the next time you wipe nothing and nothing after that the whole day and so far the next?
marcia_27799 Guest
marcia_27799 Guest
Hi don't be scared fear is your worst enemy and is exactly what is happening to me now I think my fear and emotions are messing up my system and adding to the hormone imbalance
cmt96701 marcia_27799
When we are afraid we are all
Over the place..
breathing exercises , and try to slow down thoughts of worse..
Get through this weekend then call doctors..
Truly 5 min spent a time
marcia_27799 cmt96701
Cmt, Thanks it is very frightening because my blood pressure is all over the place I will get another primary physician opinion because I wake up with my ears totally blocked big sound in it very dizzy my BP was very highly I took the amlodipine and went to the doctor on Monday at 9 am it was very hard to put myself together and go there thinking that I also get to work after. The doctor didn't see me I had a nurse appointment he took my BP and of course it was ok I took the medication in the morning is not the point, doesn't suppose to have any interest in knowing why I am feeling like this, he didn't want to take test blood or hormones panel and send me the OBGYN Because that was his order. I took my disappointed and went to the OBGYN who was very kind and showed interest took my blood and order a complete panel of everything. This morning I took the synthroid and BP went up again the sensation was so high that I took the BP Immediately and is going down slowly. Feel so scare sooooooooo frightened and I need to find another primary someone who put a little more interés