Bleeding for 2 months solid - any advice?
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I have now been bleeding every day for 2 months. As you can imagine I am feeling pretty run down! I have started taking iron and have an appointment with my GP today. Just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience and can share some of the outcomes I could expect. I'm hoping it's something to do with my Mirena coil and that taking it out sorts the problem but that was inserted months ago and I didn't have any problems with the previous one. I'm pretty worried to be honest and, of course, asking Dr Google hasn't helped!
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welshgirl123 tina06346
I am having the same problems but mine are getting longer each month i started bleeding on 17 April light at first for a couple of days then flooding with colts thought i was coming to the end by 6 May as it got lighter again then stopped a few day after, but now i'm clear in the day but by the end of the evening i have to rush to the loo as i flood with large clots but by the morning all clear again. My GP as given me some tablets to help control the bleeding and is sending me for a scan to see if i have fibroids as he say's this can lead to heavy and long bleeds. I had a Mirena coil 3 years ago (i have had several over the years) but had the last one taken out due to an infection, but my GP say's if everything comes back ok from the scan i could have another Mirena fitted i had no bleed when i had the coil. Hopefully when you have your blood tests your GP will be able to help you.
The GP gave me Tranexamic Acid which has helped alot. Things have certainly calmed down over the last few days. I had the bloods taken on Friday and go back to he GP next week for the results. If it comes to it and I need the Mirena removed then I'm ok with that. My husband has had a vasectomy so the coil was replaced purely because of previous heavy periods (go figure!!). Guess I'll just have to wait and see. I hope your scan goes well.
Tina x
Tina x
Lucy2981 tina06346
tina06346 Lucy2981