Bleeding for Two Weeks
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Hi - I have been bleeding lightly for 2 weeks straight. I am 54 and my period have become very irregular but I know this is abnormal and will probably have to get a uterine biopsy. If anyone has gone through the biopsy and it was negative for cancer, how were you treated? I can't imagine I will just have to keep bleeding like this.Like the rest of the crowd, I am anxious and fearing the worst. Thanks for any advice.
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Guest Marinab
When this happened to me I used a natural progesterone cream and that stopped the bleeding. It also helped when my uterine lining looked thickened. GYN wanted to do a biopsy but I opted to try the cream for a few months and it did the trick.
kelly55079 Guest
Oh good to about the cream.. I just had the ultrasound yesterday--- the lining is very thick among other things.. Going back for more tests just to make sure.
Guest kelly55079
i used doctor lee progesterone cream and bought it on the internet. After using it for three months I went back and had a second vag u/s and it was all normal, no thickening any more. You might want to try it and see if it helps.
Irene1210 Marinab
Hi Marinab, I am 52 & had the same situation as you last November. I wanted a piece of mind & so agreed to my gynae' s suggestion to do an uterine test. Thank God it turned out well, no cancer. No medication was given except for some painkillers & antibiotics. The bleeding just stopped on its own after 2 to 3 days. It has been good so far. No more bleeding after that.
You will be fine. Just go for the test. It should not take you more than an hour for the whole process.
Marinab Irene1210
Thanks Irene, Did they tell you what was causing the bleeding? Maybe it is low progesterone? I figure I have a fibroid or polyp.
Irene1210 Marinab
Yes Marinab, that could the cause. All the best.
hardev24538 Marinab
I too was bleeding heavily for 5 weeks constantly.. Became very anemic .. thankfully trans vaginal scan was normal . I went to a Homeopathic.. and my bleeding was controlled.. i didn't want 2 have a surgical procedure .. I've been fine for 2 years now
kelly55079 Marinab
Go get it checked out for peace of mind... I did the ultrasound due to heavy periods and I need more tests (maybe biopsy too) in a couple weeks. I wanted to make sure it's nothing serious. Why worry and think the worst?
Purpleflower78 Marinab
Hi, I have been bleeding for well over 5 weeks now. I am 52 and prior to this my periods were regular every 22/23 days until the beginning of July this year. I had a period the first week of July and then not another one until the middle of August and have been bleeding ever since. Some days it is heavier than others, some days I think it is stopping but then within hours it starts again.
I went to the Dr after 2 weeks and he said to come back if still the same in another 2 weeks. I returned this week and am now booked for blood tests next week and an ultrasound hopefully within the next month.
The Dr I saw was reassuring and said that this is very common in the perimenopause but I don't know anyone else this has happened to and there doesn't seem to be a lot of info online.
I'm not exactly sure how long I have been in the perimenopause but I do get very occasional hot flushes which started 2 year's ago, aching joints and anxiety - which is off the scale at the moment.