Bleeding/ spotting 5 days then nothing for a couple of days then bleeding/spotting again for 5 days.
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Hi Ladies,
I've been in Peri for nearly 4 years, had a Mireya fitted back in 2013 and my heavy periods trickled away slowly to just spotting. For the last few months I have had 5 days of heavy to light spotting with major cramps then nothing for a few days then back to spotting again for 5 days, just when you think you're finished the heavy spotting starts again! This week I've been spotting since Sunday, up to today, this morning there was nothing and by this afternoon I had bad cramps and heavy anyone else going through this? I's driving me up the wall! And to top it all off my face has decided to break out in pimples, someone please shoot me now!
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chrisann144 anna42582
Omg story of my life so I was 70 days late and got my period April the last time I had was February anyway then I got it twenty days later and the next month 30 days later then spotted till I got it last week I have just had a couple of days with nothing but I don't trust this I wear pads constantly because you never know!!!! It is soooo annoying plus I get horrific cramps that I can compare to labor pains when I have it! When I skip I can feel like it's coming and doesn't but those cramps aren't nothing like when I'm bleeding of course my mother didn't deal with what I deal with I just wish these periods would go away I can deal with the thousand other symptoms but the bleeding is truly annoying hang in there every month I am hoping it's the last when it comes to my period....someday
ImagineOneDay anna42582
Hi, I have the smiliar experiences. I also have mirena. Last night I had shocking cramps and period pains. It is very little spotting then bright blood colour. It is just all over the place. Stops for all day then suddenly decides to spot in the evening etc. You always have to go around protected/panty liners. All the best to my peri & meno ladies.
Lillioui anna42582
Oh nearly the same ring happened To me .
M'y last period was in March. Then 40 days later but it lasted 3 days, then a period 15 days later ! And nothing after but since the beginning of June I lost brown blood a little bit during 15 days and since 19th June I have very light bleeding everyday , very red and only when I use toilet paper. It's really annoying because I worry a lot wondering what it can be and I won't see my gynecologist until next week. Contrary to you I have no cramps.
I'm 52 .
Lillioui anna42582
Sorry for my English but I do my best ( I'm French)
chrisann144 anna42582
I will be 49 this year I would say Peri started for me in 2012 came on very subtle I was always regular then a couple of months that year I was late taking prego tests to just make sure I wasn't the last two years ughhhh the symptoms are full blown I just wish like I said the period would go already it always comes at the wrong time and the spotting in between even when I don't have anything it almost feels like something is coming out and there is nothing just frustrating
looloo43 anna42582
Hi Anna. Sorry to hear you're suffering with heavy & irregular bleeding. I do know that the mirena is supposed to be replaced every 5yrs, so I wonder if its worth you seeing your doctor to find out exactly when your mirena was first fitted as it might be worth you having it replaced if your are approaching 5yrs and see if that helps. x
anna42582 looloo43
Hi Looloo,
Thanks for your reply. I had my Mirena fitted in august 2013 and isn't due to be removed till next year, hopefully by then things will have settled down abit.... also not sure if I should get another one fitted??? Guess it depends on how the Peri and the "periods" go.
Funny thing though, a day or two after I posted on here, my on/off bleeding finally decided to stop and hasn't started again, hopefully I can get a break... fingers crossed!
looloo43 anna42582
Hi Anna, glad you're getting a break! I know exactly what it's like hun. I've had 2.5+years of prolonged, erratic & more recently painful bleeding. It got to the point last couple of months of me having almost constant pelvic pain even when not bleeding & ended up on both cocodomol & morphine patches last couple of weeks to manage the pain & my docotr signed me off work. I've tried many things with my doc: reducing the amount of time in between the depo contraception injections, watching & waiting, started low dose bio hrt april last year as diagnosed as starting peri meno, then when no change, referred to gynae at hosp for a transvaginal ultrasound. my womb lining was found to be thickened to 11mm & seemed to be "merging" with the deeper layers of womb. had a hysteroscopy with biopsies under ga in feb-all biopsies ok, womb lining thick though so put forward for an endometrial ablation. in hosp again under ga end of may for hysteroscopy & novasure ablation. my gynae attempted it 3 times but the equipment they use failed as my"cavity" was too small. my gynae then referred me to a colleague gynae consultant that specialises in ablation techniques - we spoke on the phone & agreed to go for another attempt at novasure ablation procedure & if that failed again he would do a transcervical resection ablation (where they fill the womb with water & through the hysteroscope they use put a loop tool into your womb & basically cut the lining away then what's removed is sent away for analysis). after reading up, i found the transcervical resection ablation is usually more successful than the novasure technique, but takes longer, is more invasive, & longer to recover/heal. when i saw my gynae on day of op, i asked if he could just go straight for the transc.resection due to what i had read. he went back through my notes & referred to a hysteroscopy he did on me back in 2012 where he said i would not ever be suitable for novasure technique due the shape/size of my womb which is like a small heart shape with dip in the top middle & it is tilted back(retroverted) - so the op i had back in may under my original consultant was a complete waste of time!!!
Anyway..... i have spoken to a couple of ladies that have had the same problems as you & I that have had an endometrial ablation & they have both seen their bleeding reduce dramatically to virtually no periods & their pain has been resolved. i had the transcervical resection last thursday under ga (was out for just over an hour). already i have been able to ditch the morphine patches & am just using cocodomol several times a day when needed to manage the post op pain. i just have a trickle of pinky flow(to be expected) & using normal size sanitary towels, so hopefully the end is in sight. i am hoping to go back to work in about 10 days time all being well & recoving with rest at home.
Hope this helps a bit - if you continue to get problems with prolonged & irregular bleeding, it might be worth discussing a transvaginal ultrasound with your doctor to check the thickness of your womb lining & whether an ablation op might help you. xx