Blepharitis-red eye balls!

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Now in the second week of this round of flare up and after a solid,committed daily clean of eye washing...they're getting worse!

Yep, doing warm eye bag, wet ones, massage, no make up but the skin is bright red tonight and my eye balls are still really pink. Not bloodshot, vampire punk. Please, please.any advice?

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5 Replies

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    Ihae dne the same cleaning routing also with my recent flare ups....I dont use wet ones....not sure where you are from but here in the UK the wet ones are not good for me....I have also stopped using the baby shampoo see if that does any good.  I use the Blephaclean wipes and have recently bought the Blephasol lotion and I have definatley seen an improvement, I get the wipes on prescription but I bought the lotion (£10.99) dont think I would get this on prescription but it is a good size bottle so will last a while as I use this with cotton buds to clean the bottom and top lids/ glands after using the warm eyebag, I also use it diluted in cooled boiled water and use this when I get in from work to wipe each eye lid with a cotton pad. I am still suffering buit it is not as bad as it was. x

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      Thanks for these tips...Will try these wipes and lotion. ANYTHING is worth a try.

      I'm in the UK so used the blue wet ones but they're not doing much anything.

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      I can't use the wet ones but they are different from the ones can buy in USA but different people react differently to different things.....

      I think it's disgusting how manufacturers can charge so much for something that can ease the symptoms of blepharitis. ...even getting on prescription still costs over £8 for each item.....which is a disgrace in itself.....! ..

      I get quite a few meds each month so I pay monthly for a prepay for my prescriptions so I have been back and forward to my GP to get prescriptions for antibiotics when they are really bad and also to try other things to ease it.....I couldn't afford to try new things otherwise ....I really hope they work for you.....good luck x

    • Posted

      Just wanted to say I stopped usng baby shampoo a while back and now use bicarbonate of soda about quarter teaspoon dilutes in small beaker of cooled boilded water.  I find this much better and less harsh than the baby shampoo.  I did try blephasol lotion on reccommendation of the eye hospital and it was ok but got some on the inside of the eyelash rim if you know I mean and it stung like mad.

      I find I can clean the eye lashes especially the top ones with cotton buds and bicarb solution by lifting up the top lid with out problems not so t he blephasol. Perhaps I just have extra senstive eyes as even water in my eyes sting.  Also I do use glaucoma drops in one eye and celluvisc PF for dry eyes in both.

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