Blimming anxiety
Posted , 13 users are following.
Does anyone feel anxious all of the time and find it hard or impossible to relax completely? I am shattered with it but can't relax properly either.
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Posted , 13 users are following.
Does anyone feel anxious all of the time and find it hard or impossible to relax completely? I am shattered with it but can't relax properly either.
3 likes, 16 replies
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Guest alison91416
michelle92591 alison91416
Hi alison,my anxiety is worse in the morning. I think I have more time to think about things before the day begins. I'm sure that I am making myself sick. This is by far the worst issue i am dealing with.
Sassyr12a michelle92591
Hi all
Yes, the anxiety is the worst for me. Its bad in the morning because its when the seratonin is at its lowest and the cortisol peaks... So it's chemical, nothing to do with anything you're doing. Unfortunately when you're anxious, this chemical imbalance in the morning is really hard. I find if I get up and get out of the house for a 30 min walk, it kind of hits the reset button, and the anxiety is a bit more manageable than when I sit worrying about it. It also burns off some of the cortisol. Good luck all xx
ilona00642 alison91416
Nettie261962 alison91416
kelly55079 alison91416
Yes.. the other day I was freaked out about my parents dying and what would I do and how I would cope.. It was awful and just wanted to cry. This morning I had a zillion things going thru my head about getting it all done and what was I going to do.. I finally got out of bed to do some floor exercises to get my mind off of it. It worked BUT now I'm thinking about what I need to do today, and this week. It's a vicious cycle and often feel alone..
Sassyr12a kelly55079
You are not alone Kelly, we are all with you. I like to get a bit of routine into my day, it makes it less scary. As per post to Michelle, I start by going for a walk, then do some jobs around the house. I work from home but at lunchtime I do 15 mins of mindfulness, work the afternoon, then early evening get tea sorted etc then go for a run. It gives me a bit of control, but if you feel like crying.... You cry! Don't hold it in, it's normal (as normal as this gets). Focus on what helps Kelly and set yourself a daily task to fit those things in. Look after yourself, big hug from me xx
kelly55079 Sassyr12a
Thank-you!! Yes I know others feel like this... I meant my husband and kids leave it to me or don't comfort me like some men do.
Sassyr12a kelly55079
Mine too Kelly. I think he just doesn't know what to say or do to help really. He's looking for a nice understandable answer to 'how you feeling?' and what he gets is ' ooh I dunno, bit hot but cold on the inside, butterflies like I'm excited but I'm terrified, of something but I don't know what it is. Also my left boob hurts, but not the right one, and my vaj feels like sandpaper but only sometimes, and my legs feel wonky even though I can walk, I feel faint but if not wired'........ It's easier to plod on and cook and clean and act as normal, rather than look at his perplexed face! He does care, just can't fathom what the hell I'm on about
andrea05399 Sassyr12a
lori93950 alison91416
meno alison91416
Hi Alison,
I've been to the doctor about this very thing, this week. I couldn't take it anymore. I have been on quite a high dose of HRT as I had a total hysterectomy last year. The doctor felt that the anxiety I was feeling (along with sickness and bad headaches) was too much HRT and i the dose has now been halved. Might be worth a word with the doc if you are on HRT.
Take care
alison91416 meno
lori93950 meno
maria76995 alison91416
Hi Alison, yes been there it's a pain the rear you may need to find some kind of meds to help you through this as the menopause can last for years... It does eases with time but no one knows when because when your periods finish it then bites even more but with time everything starts to settle down hope this helps.
lori93950 maria76995