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I am literally going crazy. I cannot take it any more. From anxiety to panic attacks, insomnia, back pain and stiffness, eye pain to bloat, heavy stomach, constipation to the point where i feel if i push any harder my head is going to pop off, burning stomach, dizzy and headaches. Crawlies in my stomach and chest feeling like worms or something. These past 4 days have been a living nightmare. Ladies what do you do for bloat ? My stomach needs some relief. Please help i am in pain
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pamela2016 hopeforever
can you try some prune juice or a laxative to get your constipation moving that woukd give you alot of relief sorry yiur feeling so bad all this crap is so unfair i have stomach issues too off and on
hopeforever pamela2016
Thanks Pamela. I will get some prune juice tomorrow morning. Today has been one of my worst days. Symptoms hitting me all around. I just can't take this crap any more. I am going to take a hot bath to relax my anxiety. Its through the roof. Hope you are doing well ? Thanks again. God bless
theresa06691 hopeforever
omg this is me right now. I got 3 hours of sleep last night and I feel like I'm having the worst menstrual cramps.I just finished my period and normally feel great around this time. I've had regular bowels so i don't think it's constipation. Hopefully it'll go away soon.
hopeforever theresa06691
Thanks Theresa for your reply. My period ended last Tuesday and things seemed to get worse for me. Usually 3 days after i feel a little better but my God i have no words as to whats going on with me. Hoping that tomorrow is better than today. Thanks again for your reply. God bless
Lkl2019 hopeforever
I had burning stomach in the beginning. believe it was gastritis. came with all these other crazy symptoms. had burning in other places as well tho so who knows. I had to cut out all acidic stuff like tomatoes. lemon ginger tea, probiotics and activated charcoal all helped. make sure you are drinking lots and lots of water! helps with constipation.
hopeforever Lkl2019
Lkl2019 Thank you for your reply. I drank ginger tea yesterday after a friend of mine said to drink it because she thought it would help then hell happened on top of hell. I will cut out everything acidic and just stick to drinking water. These symptoms are crazy and i am so grateful for you ladies. This forum literally saved me from going insane. Thanks again.
michelle97919 hopeforever
Hi hun
All i can say is im with you.
I am nearly three years post menopause and the constant anxiety panic attacks and buzzing tremor crawly feeling constantly all over my body is almost too much to bear now.
I woke up last night hyperventilating with a panic attack but the anxiety and feeling like i cant breath never leaves me.As for sleeping as soon as i drop off im woken with a fright. This is a never ending nightmare.
The bloat is just awful.
I dont even want to get out of bed this morning the heavy chest anxiety and buzzing are in full force and its only 7.45 here in England. God help me today is all i can say. Praying for you x
hopeforever michelle97919
michelle97919 Thanks for your reply. The crawly feeling intensified for me this year. It is driving me nuts and giving me anxiety thinking that i have pesticide growing inside of me. My mind is going crazy. I know exactly what you mean when it comes to the panic attacks , the breathing, feeling like a complete mess. Last night i only got about 2 hrs of sleep. I woke up this morning shaking , unstable. I will take it easy today. I am praying for you that God too strengthens you and makes you well. Hang in there. hugs
jaynie08827 michelle97919
i meant to respond to u awhile back. everything u said i am going tgrough also. i thought and still think i have some sort of cancer or something. im 18 mths into post. and the anxiety feeling like i cant breathe doesnt leave me either. it really makes it hard to have a good day. im woken every hour or so with a falling fright likevu said panic feeling. it takes a bit to subside. it doesnt matter if i take a nap .its scaary everytime. all day i have weird feeling in my head and chest. my neck feels weird too its just not fun. what are u doing to get through?? oh yea my hot flushes took a step up and are like needles pricking me everywhere with heart palps. so hang in there i have it all too. rather have my period then this
michelle97919 jaynie08827
Hi Jaynie
my reply is being moderated i think because i mentioned a book
I will wait to see if they release my reply before writing it all again
Feel free to inbox me x
mamamia03 hopeforever
Everything you've said is all of us at one point or another. As for the constipation I've discovered Colpermint, it works slowly over 24 hrs and has been a godsend.
Thank you wonderful ladies for your response. It means so much to me and feel so blessed to be a part of this wonderful community of strong women. I have no words to thank you all. God bless you all. Hugs