Bloated, cramping, constipated and generally uncomfortable

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Hi all. Thank you for your time.

I've been feeling constipated and cramping for quite a while now. So I went to the doctor who suggested that I take laxatives daily, have an enema every second day, up my fiber intake and drink more fluids.

After doing that for a week, while I can have a bowel movement (runny and soft), I still feel that I haven't emptied my bowels, and I have a constant feeling of needing to go, when I push to try to 'force it' I just feel blocked.

I feel crampy, full, bloated and generally uncomfortable, almost like PMS.

I have neglected my body and have definitely been drinking too much alcohol, and haven't been eating much due to stress. But for the past month or so, I've been eating regular healthy meals, and am cutting out the alcohol. (I'm not sure if that would be of relevance).

Now I'm beginning to wonder if that is just a side effect of something else going on, and being the weekend, I can't get to the doctor before Monday. So I was wondering if anyone else had experienced anything similar?

Ovulation and Menstruation did trigger similar symptoms, but it's been going on for much longer than that now.

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi, have you been vomiting? does the cramping last all day? your stomach could be inflamed, when you go back to your doctor, ask for a proper check up (IBS, Gastritis...)
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      Thanks Nina. No vomiting. But I have an appointment tomorrow afternoon. I'll ask about those things.

      Thanks again

  • Posted

    Does you pain move about? Do you have these problems after eating? Try a food diary.  I had constipation, abdominal pain and loose bowel movements and I thought it was my cycle that was to blame since the symptoms coincided with it.  It turned out I had IBS.
    • Posted

      It does move around actually. It's not a sharp pain, but an ache, like a cramp. You sound very similar to how I feel during my cycle. I mentioned it to the doctor today, but she flat out said that it wasn't IBS. That IBS is diarrhea and constipation... not one or the other... Not from what I've read! She also said that it couldn't be that because I don't look stressed or anxious. I said to her, did she ask? I didn't know that was a symptom.

      I asked about the correlation between my cycle and PCOS, and could it possible be in relation to that.and hormones and she said no.

      Basically all she wants is for me to have a colonoscopy. So I'm not at all impressed.

      I'm going to ask for some opinions on good doctors in the area and go for a second opinion.

      I'll also try a food diary, and see how it impacts on my bowel movements. Thanks for your advice Pippa. I appreciate it.


    • Posted

      Your doctor has not given you correct information about IBS.  You can have either IBS with constipation only or diarrhoea only.  Sometimes you can have a mixture of both.  Everyone experiences it differently and does not always fall neatly into one category or the other.  I started having constipation only and then I got a mixture of both.

      Some people may not look stressed because they are good at hiding it but in fact they are very anxious inside.  Some people  will find that food triggers their IBS as well as stress.  Others find that they have no problems with food but stress alone sets it off.  I have stress related IBS but no problems with food.

      Hormones do play a large part in IBS and can make your cycle more painful or your IBS more painful.  Do you have Polycystic ovary syndrome?  

      I don’t think your doctor knows too much about IBS!  You need to see someone else.  I had to see several doctors over three and a half months before being diagnosed.  One of them told me that my symptoms were confusing and she hadn’t got a clue!  She even asked me if I thought I had IBS!   I had come to ask her that question!  

      It may be useful to have a colonoscopy to rule anything else out.  However, ask for another opinion to see if this is necessary.  One of my doctors wanted to redo my tests because they were all negative.  My final doctor said this was unnecessary because I had had the same symptoms for three and a half months with no new ones and I was no better but no worse.  So I was diagnosed with IBS.  He diagnosed it based on my stress and anxiety.  He was the only doctor who asked about this.  I hadn’t mentioned it to any of my previous doctors because I hsdn’t thought it relevant.  When I told my dad how much I was panicking, he told me this is what I should tell my doctor to see if he could identify my symptoms.  This was a breakthrough moment for me.

    • Posted

      Thank you Pippa. You've been very enlightening and helpful. I will definitely be seeing a different doctor. Although I hope I don't have to see as many as you did.

      I do have Polycystic ovary syndrome, and I did wonder if that would be triggering it also. My hormones can be all over the place at times.

      You've been very helpful. And it's a relief to know that I'm not being paranoid.


    • Posted

      Abdominal pain can be hard to diagnose so you will need to ask for tests to rule out other causes before IBS can be diagnosed.  Poycystic ovary syndrome could well be playing a part in your symptoms.
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    Try taking organic milled flax seed with chia seed, this works wonders for me, keeps me regular every time. You can buy it on Amazon. 

    • Posted

      I have read good things about flaxseed, but I was hoping to find a capsule form. But I'll have a look into it milled with chia seed. They say good things about that too.

      Thanks Gillian biggrin

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