Bloated stomach and burning sensation on the of mouth

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Hi everyone,

I have the following symptoms. In the last couple of months (at least 6 now), sometimes I feel burning sensation on the top of my mouth, just behind the upper teeth 1 and 2. I do not feel it in my throat, not in my stomach, but does in that part of the mouth.

I saw an MD and he diagnosed that I might have GERD. I was on nexium for some period. This burning sensation would get reduced (would not go away, though), but my stomach would get bloated. While taking nexium I lost some weight, although I was already fit (5.94 foot tall and around 160 lbs).

Could it be that there is something other than GERD in my case? I do not have heartburn, stomach pain and similar. I assume that after 6 months continuing to have GERD I should feel more pain than an annoying burning sensation on the top of my mouth. 😃 In general, I do not eat spicy food. I do not smoke, do not eat greasy food, have up to two espressos per day.

Any suggestion is appreciated. I could do extra tests, but right now I am not sure what.

Thank you.


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10 Replies

  • Posted

    look up burning mouth syndrome. It could be reflux, but it may be a vitamin deficiency, a nerve problem, a hormone imbalance or maybe diabetes. Get some blood tests to see if there maybe a problem.

    • Posted

      Thanks a lot for your reply. I will do additional tests. I might come for further advice if needed. 😃


  • Posted

    I have GERD but I don't always experience any pain from it either. The most I get is heartburn, a bitter taste in my month and a cough. If nexium reduced your symptoms, it may suggest that you are experiencing some reflux which can affect people differently. Antacids help my reflux to go away, but it often comes back. However, my bouts of reflux never get any worse with time. You don't necessarily have to experience pain for it to be GERD.

    Your best bet is to try a food diary to see if any foods cause the burning and bloating and see your doctor again to see if you need a stronger or higher dose of antacids. Ask if you need an endoscopy. Your doctor is the best person to answer your questions accurately.

    • Posted

      Thank you for replying. How did you diagnose your GERD?

      I did not mention, but I also test my saliva pH by using pH strips. When I feel this burning sensations sometimes pH is low, e.g., 6-6.5, sometimes it is above 7. Really hard to spot a pattern. 😃

      One of potential patterns that I spot is that this burning sensation is slightly increased after I eat processed sugar, e.g., ice-cream, jam, chocolate cream. At some points I even thought that I damaged mouth tissue by something else, e.g., I use tooth paste with flour which is probably stronger than a standard one. So, it might be that whenever there is a larger concentration of acidity in my mouth, as one gets from sugar, then I feel this sensation.

      In any case, I will do extra tests next week, so will see how the things progress.

    • Posted

      A GI specialist diagnosed my GERD when my endoscopy showed nothing. Try avoiding your trigger foods. Milk is also good for getting rid of acid; it works for me.

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      be careful with milk though lactose can make some peoples reflux worse. I had some ages ago when my stomach was bad and it got worse after. Yoghurt has an affect on me as well.

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      Eventually I might do endoscopy as well. Isn't esophagus supposed to be damaged if one has GERD, and hence show that during an endoscopy?

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      My GI thought I had a week oesophageal sphincter which was opening when it shouldn't and causing acid to spew out. This was the only explanation he could give because my endoscopy showed nothing whatsoever that would suggest any damage or inflammation.

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      Some people have trouble with lactose but fortunately I have no problems with it and milk actually helps me. My grandad was also lucky enough to cure his ulcer by drinking milk. This the conundrum; everyone is different.

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    I did some blood tests, among other for insulin and iron, and all are good. I also did test of my saliva (they took a sample from the back of my mouth) and it came out that I have mildly increased level of Candida.

    Looking at some web pages, it seems that my symptoms can be caused by this increase of Candida. Please let me know if you disagree. I will also see my doctor these days.


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