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Hi all
Does anyone else suffer with bloating in peri. I constantly feel like I need the loo and feel as if I have eaten loads when I haven't. I have a tyre of weight round my middle that never seems to go down. Any advice would be great and also if there are any supplements that can help.
Helen x
0 likes, 5 replies
jayneejay helen95781
yes i use to get bloat, B6 helps with peri weight gain...
jay x
jayneejay helen95781
i sent the link for B6 benefits
Saves me reposting the info
its on the site already
click the link i sent you by PM
helen95781 jayneejay
gabrielle19505 helen95781
yes I do and it drives me nuts! Even when I really think I must have gained 5kg I hop on the weighing scales and I haven't gained, but if feel like I cannot wear close fitting clothes and I really feel heavy and bloated, and can't seem to "suck it in" like I used to. It's depressing.
I have found although, that cutting way back on salt, red meat and also drinking a big glass of water every hour helps shift excess fluid, which I feel is the cause of this heavy bloated feeling around my waist. I also have started replacing my extra coffee intakes for tea. It does seem to help.
Good luck, let us know how you go!
helen95781 gabrielle19505