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Does anyone experience upper body bloating possibly as a sympton of starting menopause thanks

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Yep, yep. Lots of acidophilus and minduful diet now biggrin
  • Posted

    What is acidophilus ? Have you managed to control it? Is yours upper also?
    • Posted

      It's probiotics as a supplement. If I go off track I feel it immediatly. No mine isn't upper. One thing you'll find as you approach menopause is that you get a lot of food sensitivites. So you must beware of them.

      Maybe it's dairy, gluten, spices, alcohol, or preservatives (EEE products). You'll have to track them.


  • Posted

    No but have had acid reflux that belt up in my chest to where it caused palpitations stared Pepcid to help relieve these symptoms 
    • Posted

      Is that with Betaine HCL (supplement)? If it is it's really good for that. 
  • Posted

    Yes! I get so bloated that I feel like I did when I was pregnant. Even my breasts seem to swell to the point that my bra is tight and uncomfortable. It ususally passes after I have my montly but then it comes back after a week or so. I drink alot of water to try to reduce it which is what my doctor told me to do but it does not help

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