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does anyone experience upper body bloating with peri? I came off the pill last year and not had a period since. Could peri have been hidden by being on pill? Hot flushes day and night. Also can be freezing in night and within seconds so hot it's unbearable. I am 48 thank you
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Shelly0069 lucy91054
d19606 lucy91054
i have noticed iv put on weight in the middle so tnat dosnt help if theres bloating.
susan21149 lucy91054
d19606 susan21149
the dr did start me on a progesterone pill one a day to try to stop my bleeding but thats it. i only started that last week.
iv been bloating for years. dr told me last week the bloating with ibs symptoms is because of the h pelori bacteria found in my stomach.
aparently 75 percent of population have it and most dont know it or have symptoms. but symptoms are heart burn indigestion bloating feeling full gas ibs symptoms.
but i have bloat in a diff way when i have a period i cam tell the diff. and since finishing my antibiotics for the bacteria im not geti g indigestion anymore or bloati g the same. i also sufferd bad breath and thats gone to
so some with bloat could actualy have h pylori in there tummys.
plus it wont help if you have that and also bloat with periods
susan21149 d19606
NaturalHI lucy91054
My personal favorite is Femmenessence!
Of course, bloat can be caused by food sensitivities, stress and other things as well. So check those out. A good probiotic is useful. Peppermint and ginger can temporaily help but it won't finx the problem.