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The last couple of days I have been feeling bloated after eating supper and the bloating make it feel like I can't get a full breath, has anyone else ever have this?

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Brandon

    ive been diagnosed with a host of illnesses, one symptom of these is extremely bloating. It gets so bad I ring it very difficult to draw breath, and have to force myself to burp, but even that doesn’t help all the time. It usually takes one particular burp to happen and I’ll then feel like it’s easier to breathe.

    Whats happening is your stomach is being blown up, which in turn pushes against you diaphragm and forces it up, which in turn pushes against the space where your lungs and heart operate, leaving less room for them to function, hence why it becomes harder to breath.

    The fact that you bloat after eating isn’t a good sign really, it shouldn’t happen to the extent that you struggle to breathe, do you know why you are bloating after eating?

  • Posted

    Hi Brandon,

    Yes. This has been going on for 3 years with me. I've had all the scans and poked and prodded my many doctors "specialists" and they came to the conclusion that I am allergic to fermenting sugars. Have cut them out and I still have the problem. I really wish you luck.

    • Posted

      I have been told I'm lactose intolerant and have cut out dairy products and I still have stomach trouble with my stomach, i also have been diagnosed with GERD but have gotten better since I stopped dairy products

  • Posted

    Yes i suffered from upper abdomen fullness after a little meal, bloating , nausea , loss of appetite and weight loss i had all kinds of test done everything came out to be normal and then I had my endoscopy and found out that I have got antral gastritis ,., my gastro gave me one month of medication and now am feeling much better 

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