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Hello Ladies ,
i have just turned 60 this week and that A shock in its self , but for the last month or so have been feeling bloated , evenings are the main time , have been looking at what i have been eating but its not anything i can put my finger on , im post menaposal , can any ladies give me advice on what its could be , I know that your mind starts playing all sort of tricks about what it could be .
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grace50455 anne81411
Hi Anne, I am 51 I have been having the same problem for a couple of weeks now, I get it at night also , although yesterday I got it after lunch and at 2am this morning. I dont understand either I am trying to eat a clean diet I had tuna for lunch and fish for dinner , I always think back on what I ate but Im starting to think that doesnt make a difference. can you hear the gas bubbles rumbling in your tummy.?
anne81411 grace50455
HI Grace , its so annoying yes i get gassy as well hope we figure it out soon .
anxiousface anne81411
hi anne & grace
im 4yrs post meno
im feeling the same as you ladies this week and always think back to what iv eaten but i eat more or less the same in the week. my stomach is making some odd bubbly noises and i hardy fit my jeans today.
im ok first thing in the morning then worse as the day goes on. iv been drinking boiled water, dont know if it will help but i think i read somewhere that it will.
sorry i dont know the answer to this but your not alone, sending you a comforting slightly bloated hug x
anne81411 anxiousface
Thanks Anxiousface for you4 comments , i have started drinking peppermint tea so hoping that will help as well .
Keljo48 anne81411
I am 51 and almost 2 years post menopause.
I seem to have problems with bloating and unfortunately gas, and have more on than off for a few years. I drink only water. No caffeine, no alcohol. Clean eating now. I take a really good probiotic. I was on a sulpha antibiotic which screwed me up entirely. Trying to regulate from that. Basically life is unenjoyable for a foodie like me. 😐
But I do want to wish you a very Happy Birthday! (Bloat free).
A saying that has stuck with me over the years. "Don't resent growing older, many are denied the privilege"
That being said the milestone birthdays sneak up on us. 😃
anne81411 Keljo48
Thank you for wishing me a happy birthday keljo48 and i get gas as well so bad sometimes , and yes the milstone birthdays do come thick and fast and yes it a privilege as i have lost 2 sisters and 2 brothers .
debi62095 anne81411
yes i have chronic bloating at night, terrible trapped wind that was in my bladder and kept me awake most of sunday night, i was constipated so no wonder, but i look 9 months pregnant when i bloat and i feel uncomfortable too, i have IBS its a worry.
anne81411 debi62095
thats sound auful so sorry fir you , we have a lot too put up with , doctors dont kniw what too do half the time , Iwish that my doctors had a doctor who deals wirh our problems but my doctor js a man and last week was tild i should be over the menopause by now and was told he was taking me off my HrT because i have just turned 60 so confused .
so sorry about the mistakes
lisa95354 anne81411
Anne, Have you thought of looking for a new doctor or female doctor? Also is this your regular GP or gynecologist. I have a read that HRT is ok for women up to 60, but I think it has something to do with the estrogen and heart disease, stroke and cancer, after that point. I think this website can even help you find a doctor for, I think I saw something about that. I don’t like that it appears you’re being cut off at 60 with no alternative. Have you asked your pharmacist any questions about this? Pharmacists are always much much more informative than doctors. Sending good thoughts your way 😃
anne81411 lisa95354
thank you for the information , I will ask my pharmacist about advice on this , and yes i think that because i have just hit my sixties you should be over all this stuff and feeling like a pain in the but with my doctors .
lisa95354 anne81411
Anne.... it’s almost comical that not only do these Dr's not know what they’re talking about, but they are men, mostly, so they really have absolutely no clue. My nurse practitioner told me last year or the year before, that my ovaries should not be bothering me, when the ovulation time would have been, since I’m postmenopausal, that that should’ve been done with. At that point I had only been post menopause for a very short time. And it would feel like someone was actually choking my ovaries. My pharmacist who is a genius, said, your body has been ovulating and menstruating for like 40 years, of course it’s not gonna stop overnight. he said the pain is my ovaries trying to ovulate. Pretty sad I had to learn that from my pharmacist, and not my female nurse practitioner. It is so insulting what these no brain doctors, that seem to care less about us, Think we will believe them. I mean we already feel like we’re going crazy and then we go to the doctor and they just make us feel more crazy... when again ...they don’t know what they’re talking about! that’s why I don’t even bother going to the doctor unless it’s my yearly or something very serious, because it’s not even worth my time! Plus as women we inherently know when something is wrong with us or something is off. I mean we bled once a month for a week and we can produce life. I’m pretty sure we know what we’re talking about ..lmao! but there’s always some doctor out there that’s more than happy to try to spin some different story on us to try to sell and push a pharmaceutical! GRRRRR ... So frustrating !
sherri87081 anne81411
Seems like for the past couple of years I stay bloated. Mine is usually later on in the day too. I never had these problems before, but now I look like I am about to give birth. Hoping we all start to feel better soon.
lisa95354 anne81411
Hi Anne, Happy Belated Birthday 😃 Do you take a probiotic, a probiotic helps me significantly. If you Google PBS, they always have doctors on there for something lecturing. Theres a whole series on gut health. Because our health starts in our 'guts' literally. Myself and my friends daughter, if we don’t take our Probiotic for a couple days, we will start to feel anxiety. I take it faithfully every morning. Do you consume dairy, I know dairy can be the culprit for a lot of ailments. We use unsweetened almond milk and it’s made a great difference. I also just purchased the supplement, activated charcoal, as my massage therapist recommended it for gas and bloating. have you tried food journaling, that might help. I hope this is your best year yet, remember’s just a number 😉
Anne... I also meant to tell you, I’m very very sorry that you have lost so many siblings. You are so very young to have such loss. Blessings your way !