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hi ladies is anyone suffering from extreme bloating even after eating something so small I feel so full and uncomfortable most of the time ... just wondered if it's another symptom to add to the ongoing list !!!
1 like, 14 replies
supemack39 lesley86666
Hi Lesley, yes this is yet another symptom! It takes time but it will pass as all the other symptoms pass. While you have each or all of these, you feel as though it is forever, but stay strong and there is light at the end of the tunnel. I promise, as I am emerging from the other side and mostly feel normal again. Take care, Susan.
bev27429 supemack39
It is so great to hear that you are coming out the other side! Thanks for providing the women on this forum with hope:)
lexie41068 lesley86666
hey Lesley, you are not alone even a small salad will cause me bloating... ugh it is what it is unfortunately I sometimes wish there would be magical treatment available I'll just keep dreaming.
bev27429 lesley86666
Yes, it is most definitely a symptom! My abdomen has puffed out so much that I have literally looked like I was about the give birth! It comes and goes, but not with any pattern that I can discern.
Guest bev27429
Hi! I'm new here! My LH level is a 23.3 and my FSH is a 17.8
I was told I'm almost post menopausal and I'm only 39 but I've had my tubes tied for almost 15 yrs. now since I had my youngest daughter. I just want to if I'll have anymore periods and why is my stomach so puffed out now?! It hasn't been this size since I was three months pregnant with my youngest daughter. (I showed much more with her than my oldest daughter.)
*I'm thirty eight but will be thirty nine on the seventh of
next month.
Guest lesley86666
Hi, i cannot believe the amount of physical and psychological symptoms of the menopause ... its so tough right now working .. i get to bed early every night and wake up exhausted !
aw thank you all ladies for your replies you just dont know what's going to be next !!! this group is a godsend makes you feel normal ... hope you all manage to enjoy Christmas with this hanging over us all x
aliska lesley86666
Hi .. yes it is awful .. are you having the terrible nausia + sick - like pregnancy sickness ? It is going on for weeks and rely on anti sickness meds but unable to work with it all .. Have tried so hard to remain in work but feel to rough - the mornings are the hardest to get through .. do you find this ?
My bed seems to be my best friend right now ðŸ˜
lesley86666 aliska
aww that sounds awful no I have felt sick sometimes but never actually been sick I hope this passes soon for you yes I understand about your bed I'm the same the last 6 months has been a total nightmare for me !!! think I own everything holland and barrett sell lol
Takingtime aliska
Aliska, I have had the morning sickness thing, but I usually notice it either during PMS or ovulation and not every month. But when I do get it, I too don't go too far from home. I don't get it every month thank goodness. I notice it the most if I am over tired, over stressed, too much going on in my life. I am working hard to maintain a better balance, and try to get as much sleep as my peri body will allow (some nights I just wake up a lot to pee or too hot....and can't fall back to sleep). Don't let it get you down. I push through as I remind myself when I was pregnant and had morning sickness I still got up and went to work. I find if you have to stay home, just stay busy and often times it will subside.
Takingtime lesley86666
Hi Lesley,YES! I have always had what I would describe as a nervous stomach, but I find since I started getting peri symptoms, my digestive system is more fussy. For example one time I can eat something and it doesn't bother me, but the next time I eat it, I bloat, or get instant indigestion. If I have to be somewhere I make sure to eat a couple hours before in case I get some sort of discomfort.
aliska lesley86666
Hi - Thanks so much for your message .. Have slept through the morning and not had that awful nausia . Drinking ginger cordial that helps . The anxiety is an issue along with low mood ..
Us girls don't have it easy ..
Unfortunately there are different stresses going on which doesn't help either ..
Thanks so much for your contact 😉
tara74591 lesley86666
Have any of you experienced pelvic pain and abdominal discomfort two week s or so before period? I am having severe breast tenderness and the above! I am so worried its something more