Bloating heart fluttering
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hello ladies I've had bloating for 3 days now I feel so full and since then I've been feeling heart fluttering and I have pain under my left breast on my upper rib cage it's kind of scaring me I feel like it's something wrong with my heart and the fluttering heart it's more at night when I'm going to sleep can any of you ladies relate to this can the bloating be causing the left side of my chest to feel this way can anybody give me any advice on how to control feeling bloated I would really appreciate it blessings to all you lovely ladies!!!
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kelly55079 marisol06794
Yes... The past couple months around my period I get this feeling for a day or two and I believe I felt it more at night!! It's under my left breast. Some people mention heart palps so I guess that's what it was due to this drop in Estrogen.
Scotland005 marisol06794
Hi Marisol
Yes I have experienced the same, especially at night and worse if i lay on my side. The only thing I have had to change drastically during menopause has been my diet . I have cut out all sugar and bad carbs such as pasta, bread ect. Sugar and carbs will keep you bloated. I also cut out all dairy and went on to plant based milks . I eat almost a vegan diet but i do still have fish on occasion. Changing what I eat has made a huge difference . No more bloating and no palpitations also flushes have almost gone. If I can be of any more help let me know.
Good luck.
P.S Try not to eat anything heavy before bed .
kelly55079 Scotland005
Just curious.. when you cut out the sugar and carbs-- did you happen to notice anything pertaining to how your clothes fit or some weightloss?
lexie41068 marisol06794
Hi Marisol, I had the same experience around the end of my period palpitations bloating mostly at night I had to do an intermittent fasting to get relief the next day.
katyD211 marisol06794
I am sorry you're having a hard time, we all know how scary these crazy symptoms can be!
I totally agree with scotland005 about watching your diet closely. It is making a difference with my symptoms like bloating, palps, and flashes. I've just gotten back to working up a sweat on the treadmill n trail, when weather permits. That's helping, too. Try everything til you hit upon what works for you, hon!
katyD211 marisol06794
I am sorry you're having a hard time, we all know how scary these crazy symptoms can be!
I totally agree with scotland005 about watching your diet closely. It is making a difference with my symptoms like bloating, palps, and flashes. I've just gotten back to working up a sweat on the treadmill n trail, when weather permits. That's helping, too. Try everything til you hit upon what works for you, hon!
Scotland005 marisol06794
In reply to Kelly
yes a huge difference kelly .i have gone back down to the dress size i was before. I am a personal trainer Kelly so i do also do lot of exercise but was still getting thick around middle, boobs ect. So started to keep a food diary and as soon as I ate something that made my symptoms worse I marked it down.
That's when I saw a pattern with things with high sugar content. Chocolate, cakes, ect also pasta. Spicy food, coffee and alcohol made my reflux worse and tomato.
since changing my diet i have more energy dont feel sluggish and have lost over a stone in weight. No more night sweats also.
should day dairy was a huge problem as well.
let me know if I can help anymore.
Scotland005 marisol06794
Sent you reply above Kelly.
Scotland005 marisol06794
forgot to also say that first thing i also do in morning is have a mug of hot water with some apple cider vinegar to kick start digestion.
marisol06794 Scotland005
thank you so much Scotland005
I would definitely take your advice on trying to eat healthier I'm also going to try the warm water with cider to see if it works I also notice when I get bloated I feel so exhausted and shortness of breath does that happen to you to do you take anything like vitamins or anything to help you with your symptoms?
kim93615 marisol06794
hi. mariso
yes I get the bloating skipping heart beats cant sleep at night always pain in my lift arm. I get the ringing in my ears cant eat anything no more especial sweetie if I to eat candy my body want let me rest. I am going through if I try to take an nap doing the day I get this funny feeling I jump out my sleep.
Scotland005 marisol06794
Hi Mariso
Yes our bodies are changing so much there is no way i can eat waht i used to, and yes you feel exhausted and out of breath when bloated. I promise you if you change your diet you will feel like a new person. I take magnesium, folic acid and vit B12 . As i eat almost a vegan diet I take B12 and magnesium and folic acid because i was loosing hair . But please I dont know if you are on any medication so please check before you start taking any vitamins. Also drink plenty water .
Good luck and keep me posted on how you get on .