Blocked ears causing anxiety

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Hi All

I've suffered with anxiety and panic for several years now and in general I get by but then something silly sets me off.

I have small ear canals which block quickly, I have been putting drops in them which makes everything muffled so my hearing is not great. I have just been getting on with this but I'm sitting at work starting to worry and feeling anxious because of the deafness. This has been on and off for a week or so and I'm now concerned maybe I've done some damage to my ears.

Any advice? I've a 2 hour drive home later with my daughter and I don't want to panic with her in the car.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Firstly you should never  put anything in your ears or eyes without getting them  examined and also getting a diagnosis.

    You really need to see a dr for an examination and a diagnosis and to see if it safe to use any drops. Just because you have suffered with a certain condition in the past does not mean that it is still the same condition that may be causing the problem.

    Hope that helps.


    • Posted

      Thanks Jane

      I have seen the doctor recently for dizzy spells and she told me my ears were blocked and to use drops to soften the wax. I just feel anxious with the lack of hearing, it's not at all pleasant and a little worrying

    • Posted

      Hi again

      How long ago was it that your drexamined your ears then advised instilling ear drops to soften the wax?

      Did the dr give you any information or instructions at all?

      ​How many days and how many times each day have you been putting these eardrops in for.

      Did the dr tell youto stop using the drops if you started having any pain or loss of hearing?

      What is your temperature?

      Have u git a headache or any ear or neck pain?

      You should go andsee adr to make  sure that youhave not got an ear infection .

      When the earis blockedwith wax no one can seebeyond the wax to seewhat is going on.

      As you are complaining of loss of hearing I would definitely not put any more drops inuntil you have been examined, this isvery important.

      Jane x

    • Posted

      I don't have a temperature and my ears do pop as the wax moves. The doctor did say it would take a while to clear as it was very hard. I was only able to do it once a day for the first week due to long commutes and work but I've been doing it twice a day for the last few days. Today it hasn't popped and I just feel extremely claustrophobic, silly I know as I'm not closed in but that's how it's making me feel.

      I may have to go back to docs if this continues for my own sanity x


    • Posted

      Well I would  as you cannot take a chance with something like this.

      I assume that you do not have an Occupational Health department at your place of work?  Perhaps you could go to a walk in centre or  OOH's?

      You need to be reviewed and assessed. Did your Dr sayanything about going back to the surgery for ear syringing or follow up/referral to ENT?


    • Posted

      Only to go back if the problem persisted and or bloods were inconclusive.

      I will go back just don't want anymore syringing, the ringing in my ears will be unbearable.

    • Posted

      Hi again

      I just wondered what the  plan was.

      Ear syringing.

      i agree I with your comments. on the above.

      Can u get a referral to ENT?


    • Posted

      I don't know what the plan is, the doc said syringing when she originally checked my ears but I guess I will have to have a conversation and find out my options. I know I can't carry on like this though, it will drive me mad

    • Posted

      I know the feeling. It could be an eustachian tube dysfunction, an infection etc. Iwould definitelyrequest anENT referral as a matter of urgency.You may need a scan  of your ear.

      Take care


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