Blood in poop? What is it most likely?
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The Other day i noticed I had a little bit of blood on the outside of my poop almost what looked like a bit of red capsicum , and a little bit on toilet paper too. I have had a hemorrhoid on the outside but i don't think it's that because it's not bleeding .
Has anyone had a similar problem? would this most likely be a hemorrhoid on the inside or something more serious? It has been around for about a week not everytime and it's never much.
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RyanWills Springhigh85
is it fresh blood? probably nothing to worry about, hemorrhoid or something, worth going to your GP though just to be safe
Springhigh85 RyanWills
to me it looked fresh . on paper was light red.
cheryl47925 Springhigh85
fresh blood is light red. the darker it gets tells me its more internal and needs more testing. I'm just a med asst so please let you dr know. been there done that. good thing though
pippa58442 Springhigh85
Haemorrhoids can bleed. Your haemorrhoid could have been bleeding at another point when you didn't notice it. See your doctor to have it examined since you have had it for a week. If it is a harmorrhoid, your doctor may prescribe an ointment. The other possibility is a fissure which can also bleed. They can happen if you are constipated and straining a lot on the loo. Try a stool softener if you are struggling to pass bowel movements.
donnamarie29088 Springhigh85
I had something similar to what your talking about but first let me tell you that I do have a proven hemorrhoid.
How I found mine was a bit icky for the faint-hearted but when you're in pain and you must take issues into your own hands, well one cannot afford to be too fussy.
I have a very slow colon and large amounts of stool can stay in my intestines for over a month. In the meantine (luckily) there's always some way down in the rectum) and this I can solve. Haha. I put on rubber gloves and vaseline and insert a small finger and very gently have had to pull out poop out on my own and it's at this point that I have found some blood which I have to be quite unusual.
Actually very unusual because 1. there was no pushing or straining on the hemorrhoid, 2. the rubber gloves I use are especially soft especially using the vaseline on them and using those two sensitive things together should not, in any event, cause any kind of irritation or abration to this area to bleed.
Of course I have an entirely different issue, however, I'm attempting to brainstrorm ideas of possibilities. It could just be that the toilet tissue is too abrasive (that's happened to me); a new pair of panties that aren't all cotton or perhaps don't fit as nicely. In any event, and before I say this, in no way am a an MD, RN or have any right or ability to give out medical advice and you know your own body more than anyone else; however, if it has not gotton worse in any way as far as increasing in bleeding, more pain, etc. if it were myself I would feel that I could most likely wait a day or two unless of course an elevation in higher oral temperative elevates (or increases).
marilyn93251 Springhigh85
Hi Spring: Anytime you have blood in your poop you need to see a doctor: it is usually not serious. Let me briefly tell you my story: I saw blood in my poop and i was afraid of a colonoscopy so i just let it go: i told myself, oh, it is nothing, just a hemorrhoid-finally in Dec 2018 I had the colonoscopy: they found a large pre-cancerous polyp-- thank goodness it was caught in time: if i wanted another 6 months or a year it would have been cancer. Blood in your poop or on toilet paper can be a hemorrhoid or a polyp-- polyps grow very slowly: if i would have had that polyp removed when I first saw the blood it would have been small and it would have morphed into pre-cancerous. I now have to have another colonoscopy in 3 years. Take
care and please pay attention. I was foolish.
RyanWills Springhigh85
may have turned to cancer* they dont always.
donnamarie29088 Springhigh85
Marilyn is 100% correct and I was wrong. You should see an MD to be checked. It's much better to be safe than sorry because a colonoscopy is not a difficult test and only seeing an MD in person can advise you, not anyone over the internet.