Blood in stool.
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Ok, so this started back when I was about 10-12 years old, I'm going to be 17 this year, yea so, one day I came home from school and had to poop real bad, and I was horrified to see bright red blood coming out after I was done. There was no pain whatsoever, but the blood sent shivers down my spine. I literally thought I was going to die or something at that moment, haha. Alright, so I have always been terrified of needles and sharp objects and stuff so i hate doctors and hospitals. I decided to keep it to myself and was like yeahh whatever it's only blood, no pain, no biggie, it's probably nothing. Then I had it for a few months and it went away on its own. After a few months, it returned, but with pain. Sometimes I'd get sharp pain which remained even after pooping for a few minutes and sometimes only blood. It was kind of like an on-and-off thing, because sometimes I'd poop normal, no pain or blood. Then about 2 years back, I started getting constipation / diarrhea from time to time, with occasional stomach pain and vomiting. This kept happening but blood didn't appear anymore, only pain. Meh, I still ignored it. So, recently, I've been pooping out a lot of blood, like a LOT, with exruciating pain.
Well, it's not like I care anyway, but I just wanted to know what it could be. I did some google research and found stuff like anal fissure and hemorrhoids, but I'm not sure which one it is. It'd be great if you helped me out.
And yea, thanks for reading.
P.S: English is not my first language so please ignore any spelling mistakes or grammar errors.
P.P.S: Please don't suggest going to a doctor, because I won't.
1 like, 14 replies
smiler2015 itrieditathome
I'm exactly the same with pain, hospitals, needles, doctors but took myself to a&e when I was in absolute agony and couldn't walk/sit/sleep. I was terified but They gave me injections which I didn't feel and numbed the area before flushing out my abscess. I did not feel a thing other than relief as they stopped my agony. Best thing I could have done and wished I'd done it sooner. However, I'm still living with and managing my fistula 10 years on. ive come to the conclusion that we who are inflicted with this "pain in the ass" are stuck with our lot. It seems surgery rarely solves the problem and I refuse that too. BUT, I Do think you should see a doctor just to get an opinion as to what is going in with you personally. Only then can you make a decision on how you are going to deal with it. If you dont know what it is you cant help yourself. They can't do anything without your consent and believe me it's embarrassing ans scary the first time but you have to be brave and sensible about your health and it sounds as though you'll prob end up there at some point in the future anyway. Please Just pluck up the courage to get a diagnosis. Then decide where to go from there. I'd love know how you get on. Good luck!
itrieditathome smiler2015
Oh wow, I didn't expect a reply so soon. But yeah, thanks for the advice. I'll think over it.
Btw, how are you doing now? I mean is it bad, like really painful? And are you taking any meds or stuff?
Thank you again, I really appreciate it.
Ally01381 itrieditathome
itrieditathome Ally01381
Ally01381 itrieditathome
The Emergency Doctor informed me the painful side show possible symptoms of My appendix being affected. The Emergency Doctor also mentioned to get second and third opinions
second opinion -to visit both an Internal specialist to see internal Bleeding
Third Option -to Visit The CoroRectal Cancer specialist
itrieditathome Ally01381
Ally01381 itrieditathome
I ask God to help me
Thank you for asking
In Gratitude
craig84609 itrieditathome
I had a similar situation, I kept seeing blood. I figured a roid or tear maybe, but as time went on it just kept getting worse and one day there was a lot of blood. I thought oh man give me a break, but it didn't. I finally went to the hospital, but I waited so long that I was weak and sick. They did tests, but didn't figure it out. They booked an emergency colonoscopy with a Gastroenterologist who found out that I had Ulcerative Colitis and it was bad. I nearly needed a blood transfusion I had lost so much. I lost 30lbs in weight in a month. I was out sick from work for a month in order to get better, well it took 5 months before I felt good again. Looking back I wouldn't have waited so long, but I don't want to go in, because I don't like getting examined in my back side and it nearly killed me, so my advice to you is suck it up and get up the courage to possibly save your own life. Please don't be like me. I nearly failed myself and I almost paid the ultimate price for it. Take care.
itrieditathome craig84609
But what if I don't want to save my life? I mean. I guess it's okay this way. My condition's not too bad anyway.
But thanks for replying. It's so nice of you. You know. I've never shared this with anyone else before so it feels kind of good. I mean, there are people out there who have been through this too and are willing to help. That's so nice. I don't know. I just wanted to know what my problem could be, but you guys are so considerate, I don't deserve this. Thank you so much. And I'm glad that you recovered. Have a great life ahead!
itrieditathome craig84609
Oh wait, I'm sorry if that came off as rude. I wasn't being rude, I really appreciate your advice. I just didn't want to lie again saying that I'll follow it. I'm sorry.
craig84609 itrieditathome
Just see it as solid advice from someone who has been through it. I was lucky that I went in, but it could have been worse if I had waited longer. It probably is a roid or maybe a fissure, but it is good to find out. If you have Crohn's disease or Ulcerative Colitis then you will need to be cared for by a gastro for the rest of your life. It sounds bad, but it isn't. It just means you will have to have regular exams and if things get bad again you will be put on a medication to help with it. We are just trying to help. Life is a gift and we need to protect it. We all make some mistakes, but if things go well we learn from them as I did. I nearly failed myself, by not listening to what my body was telling me. At the time my job was more important. Nothing should be more important than taking care of yourself and your loved ones. So don't worry, just see a doctor about it. You will be glad you did. Take care.
lynn41704 itrieditathome
As others have already said you need to get checked out by a doctor. You have worried and suffered for years. Don't be concerned about seeing a doctor with such an intimate problem they have seen it all before. If it would help take a friend with you for support. Take care of yourself and keep in touch.
itrieditathome lynn41704
Thank you so much! I'll think about it.
ruari1 itrieditathome