Blood in stool for couple of years, anyone know what it could be?
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Since 2014 I've had on and off blood in stool, mostly cause of overpushing or slight pain in the rectum. I recently went to the doctor a few weeks ago about it since I was ignorant first hand and didn't go earlier. A rectam exam was done and occult blood was found. I did have several blood tests over the years. No problems. No chronic constipation or wet loose stools. Otherwise the usual (eat bad food) slip-ups. Had cat scans over the years, no masses found. I'm overweight but I have no fatigue issues or abdominal pain. My mother has hemorriods, and I've had abscesses in the anal area before and inflamed skin.(I have hidradenitis suppurativa)
I'm working on getting a colonoscopy, I switched my diet to a more fiber-rich diet, haven't had blood in the stool at all. Feel a lot better besides a weird pressure on the left side of my stomach and upper backside, no pain just weird pressure. Has anyone else dealt with this? Or any idea what it could be?
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craig84609 luis60471
luis60471 craig84609
Yeah working on it, took extra blood tests, all came back good. I do feel a weird lump on my right side rib cage, it's squishy. Just formed like a week ago, gonna go to the docs on Monday to see what it is.
angela07780 luis60471
Hi luis60471.
After reading your letter, and all the things you've described having and now you've changed your diet, it could be that little problem we all call wind. Wind Pressure can be very uncomfortable and can go all over your body. Don't go reaching for antacids just yet. Try drinking some warm water after you have had any air pumped inside you after an operation or the warm water before you have your cup of tea in the morning and this may help to release the wind from your tummy by you burping and maybe passing the wind from your bottom. The pressure in your backside I'm not too sure what that could be so I'm going to suggest you go back to your GP about that ok. I hope you get your Colonoscopy very soon and all goes well for you to.🙂
luis60471 angela07780