Blood in stool or undigested food?

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you guys might know me because I post so much lol. But today, I saw a lot of red in my stool! No my stool is not red, it's more of an orange brown. I freaked out because there is this one piece that has a lot of red pieces/streaks in them. The toilet water is not red or anything, I think there is a little mucus which I get often. My stool today is not very bulky but really really long. It's extremely gross but I got so scared and decided to investigate (I used a stick...) and it looks like skin? Like red skin. I did have A LOT of tomatoes and red bell pepper yesterday. Does this sound like blood. It doesn't really look like blood to me but Im still scared. The streaks turn out to be the longer pieces of "skin". I feel like it's the red bell pepper. I ate half of a whole bell pepper. The red pieces float and they're really hard to break up. I'm really sure it's undigested food but of course, anxiety gotta creep in and make me freak out!

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13 Replies

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    Blood would disperse in water, and I very much doubt you are shedding skin from your insides. What we eat can influence the colour and look of our stools, especially if you are suffering with IBS where bowel movements can be speeded up, and not giving our bowels the required time to digest food as thoroughly as it should, but it can happen in healthy people too.

    I wouldn't be surprised if you were seeing the skin of the food you have been eating, it's happened to me numerous times in the past and I'm still here to tell the story, so it couldn't have been anything bad.

    Trust me, you will know when you see blood in your stools, and if it was blood, you probably wouldn't be feeling well enough to post your concerns on here, so try to relax and take it easy, I'm sure everything is fine.

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    Peppers, tomatoes and red poo? Am I making sense, the skins haven't digested properly. Whoops!

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    Sounds like undigested foods!  Do not worry.  Simply avoid the foods that are not digesting well and see if your stools go back to normal.

    To stop your anxiety, don’t constantly examine your stools.  When you stop eating the tomatoes and peppers, only check your stools once to see if diet change helps.  After this forget about it.  If the substance looks like red skin, this does not sound like blood. There seems to be a connection between what your are eating and the red substances in your stools especially if you ate a lot of tomatoes and red bell peppers.  These foods are red!  Tomatoes and peppers have a fleshy appearance inside.

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      Turns out, just undigested food. I freaked out because saw so much red but the new I realized I had lot so and lots and lots of red bell pepper and tomatoes. I had a smaller bowel movement just now, the red pieces are still there but way less and smaller.
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    The loo water would either dissipate in water but if there is enough of it then it can turn the water red. I know as I am currently urinating it and the bowl definitely reddens. Doubtful to be skin and a little blood in the stool is common especially if the blood is a bright red colour. I have to say in all my years of IBS I have never felt the need to investigate with a stick. Maybe I am not curious enough.
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      It doesn't turn the water red. I'm a bit confised, do you think it's vegetable skin or BLOOD??

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      I was talking about vegetable skin but I did freak out a few times thinking my flesh is shedding. 
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    If this was a one time thing it was probably the food 
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      I get a lot. Usually it after eating tomatoes or bell peppers or basically any red vegetables that are hard for me to digest. It would go away once I stop eating those foods though. 

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