Blood in urine

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I'm a 28 year old Male, and last Wednesday I noticed blood in my urine and the urge to frequently go. I went to GP that day and did a urine sample where he did a dipstick test, could see blood and I believe he said white blood cells also present. He prescribed antibiotics and said treat as an infection. He sent sample away.  By night time, blood had visibally disappeared. I havent seen any since, no other issues either.

I just phoned the GP surgery for results and they have said they have requested another sample in a weeks time so Thursday this week for GP to compare.

Should I be worried? All I can think is the worst.

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Ian,,,dont be worried at all. They are only repeating the test to make sure any infection has gone. Some infections can linger,even with no symptoms and if any is found they will probably give you a different antibiotic. No need to worry..its normal procedure. 
  • Posted

    I was just concerned with the fact tha no infection was found...mind thinking what else it could be...
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    Seems I neglected to mention in original post that the urine culture couldn't find any infection to begin with...
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    Sorry to hear this! Don't be worried though, with certain infections, urine samples can come back clear and you could still have the infection. This happened to me. I've had UTI 7 times and every time my urine sample came back clear. It just means there wasn't a high enough bacteria count to be detected in the sample. But as infections like UTI and other infections if left untreated they can turn into much worse problems. Therefore GP's tend to do more than one test to see if the infection has fully cleared up and to check that it wasn't a false reading the first time. It's good that they do this. Shows they're trying to find the cause of it and make sure you're completely free of the infection. Don't think the worst, that's not a good idea. You want to think positive and not get down by the fear of the worst.

    Hope everything comes back clear & you're ok!

    • Posted

      Ian......kirbss is absolutely right.  Urine infections are notoriously crafty.....sometimes they show and sometimes they dont ,so docs treat positively and then do another check. Dont worry if everythings OK. Just a note see patients with these urine infections all the time and are well used to treating them. If you get any more symptoms at a later date do go back to see the doc. Its not a sign of something worse,you may just need more or different antibiotics
    • Posted

      Thanks for the replies. I just keep reading that blood in urine and no signs of infection are signs of possible cancers. I guess I just need to stop reading but increasingly difficult
    • Posted

      Hi there

      sorry you have to deal with this. I would strongly advise not to read the crap that is present on the internet/nhs website. They all are worst case scenarios.

      i had same thing last september and had to take lot of antibiotics. I felt miserable but reading stuff on web made it worst. I lost half of my hair since then but I had all sorts of tests done CT scan etc and they all came back negative.

      best is to cut down on drinking to minimum till you feel better and take lot of natural/probiotic yogurts.

      take care

    • Posted

      If you mean cut down on drinking alcohol I would agree but you need to increase your drinking of bland fluids if you have a urine infection to help flush out any organisms. 
    • Posted

      Yes, I meant cutting down alcohol but drink lots and lots of water.

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