Blood Pressure
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Heavy bleeding with clots sent me to the doctor. They found a fibroid and she says that's the cause of the bleeding, but I think it's beginning menopause. My doctor denies that I can be there becasue my cycles are still regularly happening. I said this in another thread.
Anyway, because I'm over 40, she said the heavy bleeding required an endometrial biopsy. When I went in on that day, they said my blood pressure was very high 150 over something. I was pretty sure it was due to the anxiety of everything. As soon as I turn my car on to the road with the doctors office, I can feel my heart start pounding. She ended up not being able to do the biopsy because of my anatomy or the fibroid in the way or something. She gave me a couple of options, one of which was to just wait and see if things got better or worse. The whole thing upset me so much, I decided to just wait and see. For several months my periods were not that bad. Still heavy, but not so clotty or so long. Then this month I started spotting/light bleeding around ovulation and it didn't stop. Then my cycle started, or must have because the bleeding got heavier and clotty again. It's been several days of heavier than it's been the last few months.
I really think it's meno and/or the fibroid, but I'm thinking I should go in for the biopsy just to put my mind to rest. I called and she gave me some medication to take on the day of the procedure. Supposedly it loosens things up, but when I looked it up, the effectiveness was kind of in dispute. I'm not looking forward to going in and having them tell me again that my BP is high. I bought a home monitor and it's slighly frustrating because sometimes it's up, then if I wait a few minutes, it's normal. Overall when I track it, it seems okay. I think I have anxiety just over the whole BP issue in addition to the bleeding!
Does anyone know if menopause is known to affect blood pressure? I'm wondering if what I'm seeing real or is it just white coat syndrome.
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Sochima822 Maestra
teresa33877 Maestra
Yes, I have had heavy bleeding. A little clotting. Missed a period or two. Sometimes I swear I have almost had my period for weeks. Light periods. You name it. I have had anxiety , and heart racing. Woke up warm at night. At times I could cry about a sad tv show or story someone tells me I don't even know. Crazy. Lots of little symptoms. I take soy milk, vitamin d, b complex, multi vit, flax seed. And that has helped. Get your hormones checked that will help tell if in perimenopause. Good luck.
beth86610 Maestra
That is anxiety.
You are in charge of your decisions about your body. If you don't like what goes on with this doctor you ar entitled to get a second opinnion. Take charge!!!!]
sarah41206 Maestra
aged-too-fast Maestra
Yes, it could be changing hormones causing the high BP as well as the heavy bleeding. But as your doctor said, fibroids can cause heavy bleeding too. You said you're having regular cycles aside from the heavy bleeding so I'm sort of surprised she wants to do a biopsy. Did you have an ultrasound that showed the fibroid? If so at what point in your cycle was it done and do you know how thick your lining was? That will often determine whether or not they do a biopsy.
Maestra aged-too-fast
Yes, the ultrasound that showed the fibroid showed the lining at 8mm, which was a few days before my cycle started, so the u/s report attributed it to the point in my cycle that it was taken.
The doctor didn't seemed overly alarmed. My impression was that she does biopsies as a regular course of action. The first time I went in about the symptoms and she was telling me that it felt like a fibroid and describing the tests she wanted, she said that the biopsy was no big deal and that she'd already done three biopsies that morning. I often wonder in the US if doctors overtest to avoid lawsuits instead of only testing if they're worried about a problem. Before all of this started a year and a half ago I hadn't gone to a doctor in seven years. I was athletic and active and had no issues and was brought up that you go to the doctor only if you're very sick. I'm not that trusting of them.
aged-too-fast Maestra
Doing a biopsy sounds like overkill. It's normal for the lining to thicken to 16mm before your period. That's why if there is concern about a too thick lining, it's best to have a u/s 1 or 2 days after your period.
maria101 Maestra
Hi Maestra, I had the heavy bleeding with blood clots and I found out I had a small doctor thought that something that small cannot cause me to bleed that bad and said he thinks it's the menopause, I I decide to have it out as don't trust anything growing inside of me
After that my periods slowly got less and less I'm now in menpause but waiting for them to officially stop for good
i notice I'm much better then I was going through peri my Anixety calm down because my heart stop pounding... Still feeling warm at night with few symptoms but overall I can live with that
when I reach post no idea how I will feel wether I would go back to where I was but I'm enjoying this moment so hang on there with that bleeding and clotting find out how your fibroids are doing from time time if you are not going to have them out ok hugs xxxx
Whino Maestra
Maestra, I think that while our own research and other people's opinions can be helpful, they are simply not to be confused with what your highly educated, certified, experienced doctor tells you based on his/her knowledge of your personal situation and related factors.
It's too easy to talk ourselves out of scary and inconvenient testing. Of course doctors aren't always right and may have some other agendas (such as the fear of lawsuits mentioned). However, they're the best we've got. Imagine how you will feel if you talk yourself out of listening to your doctor and find out something serious IS wrong later on when it's been allowed to become far more serious. Reading an article or two is not the same as being a doctor!
I'd forget about possible "white coat syndrome" and "being raised not to go to the doctor unless something is obviously seriously wrong" etc. and just get in there and get it done. Best wishes to you.