Blood pressure advice and beta blockers

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Good afternoon 

I've posted before re tortuous artery and am awaiting further test results 

Just back from ct angiogram and wanted some feedback re blood pressure 

Am currently on beta blockers previous blood pressure reading was 156/97 today it was 155/85 is this still considered to be high ? 

I'm awaiting results from echo and ct angio so fingers crossed all ok 

Many thanks in advance for any reassurance 


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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Angela,

    You don't tell us how old you are which may have a bearing on whether 155/85 is high.

    As a comparison I am 55 and would be fairly relaxed about those figures if they were mine.

    I'd go back to your doctor and ask her or a practice nurse if you want peace of mind.

    • Posted

      Hi Jason 

      Many thanks for ur reply 

      I am 52 , currently experiencing other symptoms like breathless on excertion, indegestion like pain, lightheadedness and have been put on beta blockers to help ...blood pressure was higher so beta blocker doing its job 😊 Awaiting results from other tests so hopefully all will be good 

      Once again many thanks 

      Have good day x

    • Posted

      Hi Angela,

      Those symptoms all sound familiar. 

      I have been prescribed Statins, Beta Blockers, ACE Inhibitors, An Anticoagulant and Calcium Channel Blockers to control my High BP, AF and TIA symptoms. As my treatment has progressed the dosages have changed and so some symtoms have diminished as others have come to the fore. 

      Fortunately I have had excellent advice from my GP and the hospital based consultants who all talk to each other and talk to me and advised me what was likely to happen each time they made a change and why they were making the change. 

    • Posted

      Hi Jason 

      Thanks for your reply it's very helpful and also interesting to hear from others in same situation 

      May I ask what the health issue is with your heart / blood pressure as I'm currently awaiting results 

      Many thanks and wish you good health 



  • Posted

    I'm 57 and my doctor tells me that any reading for the bottom number over 80 is a cause for concern, even with a low top number like 117-120. He keeps having me come back for readings, and is talking about putting me on a low dose med. Here is the latest article in the U.S discussing the new guidelines. 

    • Posted

      Hi camesque

      Many thanks  for your reply 

      Yes it's confusing as some say it's not high but when I check out charts etc it says in the low high area and cardiac nurse says it's still higher than should be ! 

      It has come down from previous readings so am heading in right direction thankfully 

      Wishing you good health 

      Kind regards


  • Posted

    Most docs don’t consider those high but it all depends on the doctor and any other medical issues

    I don’t know anymore. Kinda fed up with the whole thing. These BP meds are horrible 

    If one can make lifestyle changes and reduce it I think that’s best. These drugs are killing people by making them so sick 

    • Posted

      Morning Tee

      Yes I agree it's very confusing!

      And as for lifestyle I don't smoke drink well below the "recommended units" have a reasonably physical job but am slightly overweight ! Am trying to keep stress level low as well 

      Meds make me feel very lethargic and hopefully once results are in from tests I can come off them fingers crossed 

      Wishing you good health 



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