Blood Pressure and menopause
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So I've been in perimenopause since about 2015, and it was pretty easy for awhile, but lately the hot flashes have been miserable. I had a light two day priod in January, but I've been down to about 4 periods a year. I do have some anxiety, and weight gain, or really the inability to lose any of it. Lately my blood pressure has risen. It was prehypertension early on, but has come on lately, not quite dangerous, but I don't like it. How many have this, how high is it, and what are you doing for it? Any help is so appreciated!
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unico31026 manicgrey
i have been put on meds for my hypertension due to peri
manicgrey unico31026
What are you on, if you don't mind telling me?
deb20286 manicgrey
i have the same very high blood pressure now on medication its come down quite alot my doctor is useless wont start me on hrt even though all my symptoms are to do with peri i started exercising each time i step on the scale ive gained more weight i look eight months pregnant so yes i feel your pain lol its a absoloute nightmare all round ive really had enough now.
manicgrey deb20286
Definitely. I was just saying that the other day. I look pregnant. UGH. I'm happy to see at least some of the meds are helping. This whole aging thing is not for the faint of heart.Most people say I'm one of the youngest 50 year olds they know, but this stuff is driving me crazy.
claire38123 manicgrey
my bp has also gone through the roof highest was 118/188 now got to go on meds only ever had high bp when pregnant the last time i was expecting was 21 yrs ago peri menopause has given me so many problems the worse being anxiety which i know ups your bp so keep an eye on it and if needed take meds iv been trying to life style change so not to take them but nothing is working so time to call it a day and go on them goodluck and big hugs xx
manicgrey claire38123
Thanks so much. That is me too. I try everything to avoid meds, but nothing really seems to be doing the trick. I remember my parents and their pill sorters and I'm determined not to do that but something has to give.
christine-Perim manicgrey
i can track my high BP with my cycle. its not consistant . sometimes its 160/110 most time its 130/90. i was given blood pressure medication but a recall was issued buy the company saying it caused cancer. i stopped taking it and lost eight lbs. now i walk 5 times a week, do deep breathing exercises and take cinnamon and cayanne pepper.
manicgrey christine-Perim
That is me right there. Sometimes it's a little better like 140/95, or it's 160/110. It's crazy fluxuation. I could feel a lot worse, but I am going to start investigating what the heck is going on. I was so normal before all this, no big issues except some cramping, all manageable. This is just making me crazy.
katyD211 manicgrey
Hi! As i look back now I realize that Ive been in peri for probably about 8 years. S8nce then my bp has gone up. At first it pre, but with weight gain, stress of caring for parents, kids, job, etc it went full blown.
It was averaging 140 -150 over 90-95 so doc put me on ToprolXL once a day.
That got it under control. But I find that when i eat right, walk a mile or so daily, it stays very near normal. A shot of beet juice daily also appears to help. I had heard that beets are good for blood pressure so i tried it and it's working for me.
Remember that worrying about it will make it worse.