Blood Pressure and Peri

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Hi ladies

One of my peri symptoms is feeling off balance and woozy.

AsI know a lot of you have this too I wanted to see if anyone is experiencing erratic blood pressure readings.

Lately I've been feeling really dizzy when I stand up and started to check my blood pressure and they are all over the place. One minute it can be 93/75 the next minute it's 127/81.

Does anyone else have this? I'm wondering if that's what's causing the off balance/woozy feeling too.

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7 Replies

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    I've had the same symptom for years, but it's much worse lately. I honestly just thought I had low blood pressure never even though it could be due to perimenopause. I don't check my bp but it happens pretty much every time I stand up. I almost fainted a few weeks back because it was so bad

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      It's same with me. When I stand up even slowly I get dizzy.

      I had high bp for few years and was taking medication. Then when my peri symptoms really started hitting me hard I noticed my bp was lower so have stopped taking meds for last 6 months or so. Now it's even lower and erratic.

  • Posted

    Yes that is me too. These symptoms are crazy. I had the off balance weird feeling forever then it just stopped. I also have the dizzy feeling when I stand off and on. My blood pressure is also all over the place too. Right now my absolute WORST symptom is acid reflux, bloating and heart palpitations every time I eat. I am terrified to eat. I hate this symptom. Have been to ER and doctors soooo many times thinking my heart is bad. All EKGs, bloodwork and chest X-Rays are fine. Going to Cardiologist next week just to make sure. This heart thing throws my anxiety and panic attacks into over drive. Will be soooo excited for all this to be over some day. Hope you feel better.


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      I hope it all goes well for you and the dr finds nothing else wrong. I honestly can't believe all the symptoms people are describing. Who would have thought hormones can have such a devastating effect on so many of us
  • Posted

    The whole blood pressure thing is crazy. I never had high blood pressure until all these symptoms started. I am now on meds as every time I go to the ER it is all over the place. One minute it's normal the next its high, then its low. It has a lot to do with peri. I had the dizziness for a while. That went away. Now I get the off balance feeling, and sometimes my head will feel like I'm under water. I know it has lot to do with peri because I have been tracking it and noticed that all the times I feel like that is during ovulation, right before and during my period.
  • Posted

    I also get that happens now and then..I really don't like it. I always have food in my purse and ice cold water and it helps me...not sure why? it just does..and then I am may be hormones up and down,,and then it causes our adreline to spike and then anxiety. I try to get a hold of it,,, thus the water and a small high protein snack. They say that helps calm the anxiety down..the texture..the coldness,ect...I also thought low pressure,,thus the food..
  • Posted

    Yes!,,,In America blood pressure changes are common and increasing.My husband had to be rushed to hospital after pneumonia shot at va, blood pressure is erratic still, it was 80 over 40' Next day 150 over 71. Something not menopausal clearly ...  as he is male,but, I have also had drops in blood pressure since onset of menopause , lower readings than usual. This can cause raging dizzy spells!,, Love Stella 42

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