Blood Pressure concerns..
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Just wondering if anyone else has had issues with their blood pressure.. I'm 48 and consider myself healthy but these last couple months I have noticed my BP has gone up. I exercise regularly and eat oatmeal, spinich and blueberries and other things that help with BP. It wouldn't hurt to lose 10 pounds so I will do my best! : ) Today after class I was talking with a women about BP and she says it could very well be hormones. I don't want to worry about strokes and heart attacks just yet, it's so frustrating to have to monitor something else.
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Eliaimee1970 kelly55079
kelly55079 Eliaimee1970
I agree.. Sometimes I feel that it's anxiety with my heart pounding but maybe it's been my BP all along. I'm due for labs in a couple weeks so we'll see what happens.
debra16694 kelly55079
Hi Kelly - I urge you to go see a naturopath to see if he/she can determine the cause of your increasing B/P. I am 60 years old, have been post menopausal for 5 years and over the last 7 years my b/p has been climbing. I was put on my first B/P RX roughly close to 6 years ago & my 2nd B/P RX about 3 yrs ago. During this time I was the sole caregiver for my ailing parents, getting kids off to college & managing two households & I suck at managing stress and self care. After battling with horrific side effects from the first drug that I was put on for close to 5 years (had no idea it was the drug causing my issues, since the side effects started about 1 year after taking it). I am telling you all this to hopefully save you from this same cycle. I happen to really like my GP, but all she ever suggested in my battle to lower my B/P was to throw more drugs at me, offer me anti depressants, anti anxiety & more B/P RX’s . I weaned myself off the horrible B/P RX (1st one) have tolerated the second one a bit better. I am on a quest to find out the cause of my elevated B/P & after the naturopath’s testing, it was determined that my hormones are very low, cortisol elevated (probably why I feel anxious all the time) and my inflammation score is also above normal. The naturopath gave me many things to bring the elevated cortisol & inflammation down. I am also taking magnesium and beet root capsules and am trying desperately to loose weight, and deal with my stress with acupuncture, massages, meditation and a little exercise. It is a battle, but taking B/P RX’s are no fun, they come with a slew of side effects just like most RX’s. I wholeheartedly believe that B/P can be caused by hormone imbalances, diet and how you cope with stress. Conventional drs tend to throw drugs at your symptoms, it’s the naturopaths job to find out what is causing the symptoms. Good luck to you -
kelly55079 debra16694
Thank-you for your post. I have no intentions of taking medication and will do my best to control it. I was told to start with a BP diary to find out when it's high and take magnesium to see if that helps bring it down at that moment. I also take a calcium pill that has magnesium in it and eat many foods with it every day. I have heard about the benefits of beets but never got around to it. Now I will look into the capsules!! Now here's the thing my parents are in their late 70's and started taking BP meds at 60. They have always had a huge garden (including beets) and would can and freeze to eat year round-- I hated the beets!! So maybe beets need to be eaten everyday-- in a smoothie for me.. Thanks for the tip!! So my BP could be hereditary too. UGH And yes, I feel stressed and anxious which could be the cause too. I enjoy being in the water and have tried acupunture to.. I will try some light exercises at home that could be relaxing.
debra16694 kelly55079
Hi Kelly - I just really give up - I have been making all these changes to my diet, trying to change my lifestyle etc. My husband who had mild elevated B/P 139/83 started taking the Beet Root Capsules & he just came back from the drs & his B/P is now 120/78. I just had a Upper Quadrant Ultrasound cuz I thought I was having gallbladder issues & my B/P was 153/82 (a little lower, but I am on 1 B/P RX) & found out that I am suffering from a fatty liver -Ugh! The more research I do on this, it appears B/P, glycemic index, (which mine has been elevated) & hormone imbalance is all inner connected & probably the reason why I can’t loose weight even though I am eating really healthy - this is like a mad science trying to figure this all out - sugar/fat/obesity/alcohol are all contributors to fatty liver, but hormone inbalance plays a part too - ok, back to the drawing board -
dot65957 kelly55079
kelly55079 dot65957
Congrats on the weight loss and healthy diet. It's frustrating because I am staying away from salt and eating many foods that are great for BP. It could be hereditary too