Blood pressure fluctuations

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I know everyone's blood pressure fluctuates all day. But how much fluctuation is normal? Mine can go from 156/75 then be 130/72, 126/70 and 142/80. All within an hour. Am I just supposed to average them and call it a day? I worry about the higher ones but they don't happen very often. I'm 72 and weigh what I should. A few months ago I started going for brisk walks every day to improve blood pressure.

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4 Replies

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    Personally I don't think your fluctuations are too severe.

    I would argue the fluctuations are quite normal.

    I get awful fluctuations in my blood pressure and I'm only 24 (fit and healthy).

    When I was first started on amlodipine, 5 days in I was down to 130/77. I thought whoop the pressure is down to normal. Then a few days later it spiked up to 180/190 over 110ish.....

    My blood pressure varies so much, even with medication.

    If you are worried then you should speak to your GP but I dont think your numbers are at all worrying.

  • Posted

    Rebecca, you know that the pressure normally fluctuates with activity, and that after activity you should wait at least 15 minutes for it to come back down?

    As long as the diastolic stays that low I think you're in great shape!

    I actually have the same question but for larger excursions, both systolic and diastolic, and all taken with at least that much quiet time.

  • Posted

    My blood pressure can vary considerably. To avoid distorted readings, I know do several readings basically until I get 3 consecutive readings which are reasonably close and take an average of the three. In my case I can the first one or two readings are always high (white coat syndrome ?).

  • Posted

    Its normal for heart to beat differently lots of times over the day. The heart beat will not beat the same BPS all the time.

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