Blood pressure higher in dominant arm

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I started checking my blood presure a year ago because recently I was diagnosed with adult onset asthma, so I sometimes worry it is not asthma but something heart related. Anyway, I always used to measure my left arm at home and the blood pressure would be between 140 to 150 (lower pressure is always normal between 75-85). I started eating a bit better and exercising and brought down my pressure to between 130-140. I was happy until I read that blood pressure should be taken on both arms and surprise, surprise my BP on right arm is 150/80.

I was reading that having such a big difference between left and right arm is a sign of trouble. I really don't want to go on meds, not because I don't believe in them, but because I am scared of side effects. Docs prescribed me asthma meds which just made my asthma symptoms worse and I actually manage it with sauna and home remedies just fine. I should add that I run intensively for 5km 4-5 times a week. Occasionally eat junk food, but eat healthy too. My question is why such a big discrepency between 2 arms. If the cuff size is wrong, then  both arms should still be similar.


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71 Replies

  • Posted

    Just out of interest where did you read that blood pressure should be taken in both arms? Because of high bood pressure and family history of heart disease and blood clots  I have been taking my BP for at least 15 years. No doctor has ever suggested doing it on both arms, and it has nev er been done in both arms when I have had my six monthly check.

    I think if it was that important to check both arms it would have been mentioned to me when I was admitted to hospital in September when my BP went sky high (210/150).

    Please be careful about what you read, making sure it is from a reputable site eg Blood Pressure Association or NHS website

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      When I twice had a very thorough medical check at a hypertenson centre my BP was taken in each arm and when standing.

      The booklet with my Omron monitor says always to use the same arm but states that BP can vary between arms and if it differs substantially to check with your doctor which arm to use for your measurement. 

    • Posted

      Hi derek  well this has started something now ha ha    was yours ok on the right arm,   and as a matter of interest which arm do they use for the     24 hour monitor??   I thought  the left arm was used as it is closer to the heart mine is abit lower on right but bp changes so often you would need two monitors at the same time and that would be totally ocd   crazy man...


    • Posted

      Always important to take measure in both arms. Higher BP IN ONE ARM CAN SIGNAL TROUBLE. Heart disease, CAD and PAD.
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      It is wise to be even more judicious about what one writes as a comment.  It is imperative to check the pressure in both arms regularly, at least until it has been established that there is non-significant variability between those readings.  Please be more judicious and informed prior to responding.
  • Posted

    Yes.... apparently there has been a new research done where it is not strongly recommended that blood pressure be taken with both arms. The same research also suggests that difference of 10 points of more is a sign of trouble. These are reputable articles I read and I can post a link, but I am new here and not sure of the rules.

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      You can post a link basically provided it does not advertise a product or service. The moderator will delay the post until he has approved it.
    • Posted

      It is rational to measure the blood pressure in both arms.  Variation of 10 Hg should not be significant, and, one must establish an average of measurement readings over time.  Primarily, however, one must be certain that the entire procedure is done 100% correctly, with equipment 100% in condition.
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  • Posted

    never heard of this before think I will just stick with the one arm bad enough doing it on one arm never mind two ...then the anxiety will start if the right one is much higher what can you do about it??? 
    • Posted

      Check both for a week to decide which if any arm gives a higer result and then stick to that arm for your readings.

      When getting mine checked by my doctor, nurse or at the local hospital the arm used is the one convenient to them based on the position of my chair to their desk.

      Only at the hypertension clinic do they take it on each arm and when standing and they are the experts.

    • Posted

      ok thank you for that, never really thought about using different arms .. think I will  put my monitor away for a while till the new year and enjoy myself ,  I have been worrying sine the day after boxing day last year when I went in for a flu jab and he took my pressure and it was 184/104 ....was puton ramiprill and coughed and went back to atenolol and now my bp is ok  with excercise,   white coat  anxiety is the culprit,  as on atenolol it comes down to 84/54 too low,  taking propolis a bee hive extract at the minute that seems to help alot aswell
    • Posted

      It concerns me that so many are reporting they have never heard of measuring pressure in both arms.  If you think about it logically, if there is a gross difference, (barring acute anxiety), that is a factual piece of evidence to put alongside other symptomatology.

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