Blood pressure issues
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Hello ladies. I am 42 and have been in peri since 2017. I went to urgent care last night because once again my sinuses were troubling me and doc was closed. They took my blood pressure and it was 134/78!! I weight 116lbs pretty active dont eat the best but im not over weight. My pressure was liw 3 years ago roughly around the 115/72 mark and I have noticed every time i go to docs its been a little higher each time. Now the doc there wasnt concerned but I am and its giving me anxiety. I still get a period but its very heavy and I am actually due tomorrow. I have scheduled a doc appt for next week but was wondering if anyone elses bp has increased during this time? What was the out come? Did they ask you to monitor it for awhile before deciding? I really dont want to take meds and would like to lower it naturally but will leave that up to my doc. Just needing reassurance when you google it makes you even more nervous. Ty in advance for all replies I appreciate any feed back
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shylee renee61138
Hi Renee,
Your blood pressure is a little high but possibly the dr is jumping the gun a bit. my blood pressure after a lifetime of absolute normal pressure is now 154/98 and much higher at times and I am not being offered medication for it.
I have been suffering a lot with peri but i wasn't aware all this sinus trouble i'm having was a part of it. I've only ever had minimal sinus issues in my past, this is constantly ridiculous, with massive migraines and facial pressure, ear pressure etc... I know this is going to sound gross but i noticed when i went into peri that my nasal mucus which i don't ever seem to have much of or so it seemed and i only get it in one nostril is pure white and sticky.. not clear just pure white. I never told the dr because it just seemed gross and silly. I was getting post nasal drip and sore throats... all only since peri. why i don't know.
I may not be much help to you but just to let you know you're not alone.
Hang in there
Gigi368 renee61138
I'm not sure how much of mine is meno related, (had a hysto but kept my ovaries, during ovulation i feel horrid and cramp, but no periods) I do have heart issues i was born with, but 5 yrs ago (I'm 51 now) my bp went haywire and hasn't stopped since. I take meds to lower mine to where yours is now lol. I'm not overweight, yet, but its trying, and I'm pretty active. But in the last few months my anxiety has hit an all time high. As I type this my heart is pounding out of my chest for no good reason (123 bpm) and my bp is currently 165/97. I just had to take a nerve pill and an extra bp pill..
I'm convinced our hormones or lack of, are out to drive us crazy.
You're obviously not feeling well with your sinuses and feeling bad will increase your BP. It's a good idea that you're following up with your primary doc to be safe but don't let it freak you out, that'll make it worse. Go take a nice long soak in the tub and read a book and try to relax. Drink lots of water! I find when I distract my mind I tend to relax and not think about it.
Good Luck!! Update us when you see your doc please!
P.S. don't Google any symptoms! You'll end up with all kinds of exotic diseases 😂
Keljo48 renee61138
138/78 is fine in my opinion. You systolic is only slightly elevated. I have taken bp meds and checked my bp for years. Blood pressure is ever fluctuating. If the only time you get your bp tested is at the doctors there is such a thing called White Coat Syndrome. Where basically going into a doctors office ones blood pressure raises. I have it...sometimes. Especially urgent care. Mine was 130/80 which by the way is still considered normal. The diastolic lower number is the one you have to watch. Since yours was under 80, and your systolic was below 135. Your blood pressure wouldn't be considered a concern. Another question is did you just walk in and sit down and they took your bp? Did they make you keep both feet flat on the floor? Did they ask you to take one deep breath, let it out and breath normal? It helps. Urgent care, they don't do this or remind you to keep your feet flat and sit up. My bp is always up just a bit like yours. I take my bp at home and it is perfectly normal.
In my opinion you can best lower your bp by cutting back on sodium, cut back or give up caffeine and walking/ and or relaxation breathing.
But going into a urgent care can raise your bp. I bet if they took your bp again after you sat for a bit it would be completely different. I know because I can obsessively take my bp. As soon as I sit down it can be as much as 20 pts different after I have waited 15 minutes.
I hope this helps.
renee61138 Keljo48
I literally walked in 2 sec later they called me back.And actually my feet were not flat on the floor I actually think my legs were crossed and yes I was already anxious before I walked in the door. I do not drink or smoke I quit last year.And haven't drank anything with caffeine in a few years per my cardio doc because I have tachycardia. This is why i don't Google any longer. When I looked it says new regulations are saying now 120 bp is even considered high ugh. Ty for letting me know I can calm myself a bit now I really needed that reassurance...hugs to you
Keljo48 renee61138
Most Docs are very happy with 120/80. That is still the old school "normal".
Yeah that is exactly how I walked into Urgent Care today. Literally a minute later I was weighed, sat down and bp. 130/80 pulse 67. My legs were probably crossed because I have to be told to do have my feet flat or I don't think about it.
So think about if you go into an Urgent Care let alone a regular Doc office you don't feel well or you would have waited for an appt. You sit, they take bp and it is slightly elevated. But your diastolic is perfectly normal. So if you would have been able to sit for a few minutes and then your bp taken you, very good chance your bp would have been the more normal you would have been happy with. I just took my bp after I wrote my earlier comment. My bp 117/76 pulse 67. So you see 130/80 at Urgent Care 117/76 at home. I went in with severe back issues that I was worried it was kidney related. I have a bladder/kidney infection that I am on antibiotics for.
I go to my Nurse Practitioners office and they not only make me sit with my feet flat on the floor and one deep breath but they make me rest my hand up on the bp cart to keep my arm level with my heart. Normal 99% of the time. Sometimes low and sometimes a little elevated. Even bp meds doesn't mean your bp doesn't fluctuate. Depends the issue I am at the Dr for.
I am not a medical professional and this is just my just my opinion. If that bp reading is your highest, I wouldn't worry to much about it personally.
nancys21 renee61138
I'm with Keljo on this. I have been put on bp meds 2x in my life. After the birth of my son, and once peri menopausal. 120/80 is normal. When I hit 134/90, I was put on the meds. I eventually got off of them, and only recently has it shot up again. I am post menopausal just over 2 years now. I also have hypothyroidism and thyroid goiters and a nodule. I believe this has a lot to do with it. At my last visit with my gp, he told me to limit my alcohol to 1 drink/day. I have also cut out coffee almost all together. Going to the doc always makes it higher, as I have the white coat syndrome now. It's awful. I wouldn't be overly concerned, and googling is our worst enemy. I know how easy it is to think the worst. Seeing your doc is the best way to ease your mind. Please try not to worry. x
Littleviv renee61138
i am using the estragel pump for menopause symptoms and have been much better. but my bp is up every time its checked. i check it at home every day and its still up but not as high as when i go to the drs. it averages 135/90. i dont smoke drink very little exercise and eat healthily. i am not over weight but would like to lose a bit. my main thoughts as to why its up are stress lack of sleep and family history. and there isnt a lot i can do about that. i hate being on meds and know that my dad has alot of side effects from his bp meds. i am hoping i dont have to
kelly55079 renee61138
My BP fluctuates. I swear it's high then at the Dr's it's OK.. So now I just do what I can to keep it low-- magnesium helps and exercise is good. You might want to look into the foods that claim to help lower it... Also beet juice helps alot too.. I bought beet powder and just add to my smoothies.