Blood Pressure spikes?
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Does anyone have trouble controlling their BP? I've tried a few different meds and nothing seems to keep it at a normal level. Some readings are fine but others can be quite high. Anyone else have this issue?
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rachel54558 kylie01267
Is your blood pressure being taken at a doctor practice ? if so there is evidence thats this is more likely to give a higher reading due to the stress of being at a doctor. I know the NHS now give out blood pressure machine that use bluetooth and your phone to send results to your doctor for some people. Obviously keep taking your medication but maybe ask your doctor if that option is available for you.
kylie01267 rachel54558
My Bp is always high at the doctor probably due to my anxiety but I have been taking my BP at home. I am not aure if the bluetooth and phone option is available here in Australia but sounds like a good idea.
rachel54558 kylie01267
I don't get stressed about blood pressure test and gp always takes two reading she jokes she get better results that way . Stress and anxiety about something always makes it worse. it can be so annoying and frustrating .Hope you get it under control.
debra16694 kylie01267
hi kylie - i am someone who has b/p anxiety - i am always amazed that nurses/drs always want to take your b/p right after you just walked into their office when you are all flustered etc. Also, many dont even take it properly (google correct position to have b/p taken) i was on one b/p RX that actually increased my B/P, it was so toxic to my system. There are a lot of things you can take like beets, garlic, magnesium to name a few to help with lowering your b/p - yoga & meditation help too, but diet an exercise are super important, but also difficult when you dont feel great to begin with - try doing things that bring calm to your mind - calming baths, swimming etc. its not bad enough that we are going thru all these changes, but then to have the anxiety of high blood pressure is really worrisome - try to stay calm -
Kadija1966 kylie01267
I get BP spikes a few days a month. I'm not sure why, but most days my BP is normal or low so don't take BP meds on a daily basis. However I have to monitor my BP twice a day. It normally rise in the evening a few times a month. I'm sure it's to do with perimenopause as I keep a BP dairy and I can see the pattern. Even my doctor cannot explain why.. My normal BP is 117/72 most days without meds, when it rises it can go 172/97 and I normally take 50mg, losartan to control it. Plus when it spikes it brings up my anxiety level to sky high.
This situation has been happening for the last 3years.
kylie01267 Kadija1966
like you my bp can be quite low to normal sometimes. I have to admit I have been anxious lately so that wouldn't be helping
Kadija1966 kylie01267
It does happen to me as soon as I'm stress or unhappy my BP rises. I find it difficult to travel by plane as lately if Im on a flight my BP shoots up, I use to enjoy travelling but past few years I avoid it as I can't relax on the plane and I'm fearing my BP will get out of control in the air.. I guess it's another menopause symptoms that's ruining my life. Huh.
pamela2016 kylie01267
yes during cycle and ovulation week it runs high im on meds its hormonal for me i hate it this crap is so old and tiring never ending