Blood results
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I have had some blood test results today but have absolutely no idea what they mean! It was a telephone appt and not with my usual doctor, so not really an indepth conversation. She advised me my progesterone levels were 3 which means I am not ovulating and my previous FSH levels were 124, can anyone please shed any light??? She has said I should go on HRT but I have been feeling okay at the mo so would rather hang on if I can. I was thinking I would ask for the referral to the gynae before I make any decisions!
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jayneejay kelly-ann2308
are you still having periods ?
In peri meno
post meno ( have not had a period for 12 months )
dont let anyone tell you to take HRT thats your decision ..
and make sure if you do take HRT its not Premarin, Prempak or Premique ..
these are HRTs made with Pregnant Mares Urine ... And Docs forget to tell you this ..
if you feel omay without just think about natural remedies instead ..
Jay xx
jayneejay kelly-ann2308
heres some info for you..
FSH ( follicle stimulating hormone) levels guide
Before puberty: 0 - 4.0 mIU/ml
During puberty: 0.3 - 10.0 mIU/ml
Women who are still menstruating: 4.7 - 21.5 mIU/ml
After menopause: 25.8 - 134.8 mIU/ml
mIU/ml = milli international units per milliliter
dizzylizzie jayneejay
I had a fsh blood test last week, but was told it was normal but esr levels were elevated
jayneejay dizzylizzie
in early peri you have to go by symptoms really, usually hot flushes and night sweats to start and feeling just tired, no energy, restless etc.
And change in your periods, skipping, or heavier, prolonged etc ..
FSH blood tests are never accurate in early peri as your hormones are too erractic, up and down, it is not until your periods are few and have reduced to approx 3-4 per year that a FSH blood test will confirm menopausal ..
you could have a FSH blood test one day and the next day get two different results in early peri, it happened to me, came back normal, but I was in peri menopause ..
my doc years ago gave me vit B6 and its a real help ..
a good mega B 100 B complex ( with 100mg of B6 in it) is a good supplement ( Holland & Barrett) And i took Rainforest Maca 5.1 in early peri it was a great help for me in the early days ..
jay xx
dizzylizzie jayneejay
Think i will give vitamin B a go.
jayneejay dizzylizzie
ESR )Elevated Sedimentation Rate ) you say is elevated ?
Normally this is a sign of inflammation in the body somewhere ..
so keep an eye on things and see tour doctor about it .
jay xx
jayneejay dizzylizzie
if your having flushes too think about a Vit E 400iu daily aswell
Good luck hun
jay xx
kelly-ann2308 jayneejay
Your advice previously has been fab and I have been taking the vit B complex which I think has been a great help, will definitely invest in some vit E too, hopefully I will get some more answers soon
jayneejay kelly-ann2308
thanks for the kind words ..
good luck hun
jay xx
dizzylizzie jayneejay
jayneejay dizzylizzie
did they say what type of cysts..
i had follicular cysts on two occasions, they grew the size of small oranges.
but i had regular ultra sounds for them..
we all have follicular cysts at time of ovulation, but sometimes they can grow, when periods dont happen regularly .. and hopefully they disperse when you have a period next time or so ..
mine eventually did disperse .. it was all in early peri for me this ..
my Doc at the time .. he was an Angel and treated me very well..
also he was not only a GP but also did Homeopathic Meds..
he gave me ( dont know what it was) three little envelopes and said pop this in your mouth for three days and the cysts will go..
he knew i was thinking yeah right.. he didnt even charge me as i was sceptical .. but i took them and did it, and after my next scan .. cysts gone..
ummm was it his magic stuff or coinicidence .. i will never know
jay xx
dizzylizzie jayneejay
jayneejay dizzylizzie
good luck hun with your ultra sound... 😃
Heres some info for other ladies who may want to know more about Functional/ Follicular Ovarian Cysts ..
Follicular cyst
A dominant Graafian follicle sometimes fails to ovulate and does not involute.
When it becomes larger than 3 cm, it is called a follicular cyst.
Follicular cysts are usually 3-8 cm, but may become much larger.
On ultrasound follicular cysts present as simple unilocular, anechoic cysts with a thin, smooth wall.
There should be no enhancing nodules or other solid components, no enhancing septations, and no more than physiologic ascites.
Follicular cysts will usually resolve spontaneously on follow-up.
Functional cysts
By far the most common cystic ovarian lesions are benign functional ovarian cysts.
Functional cysts are Graafian follicles or corpora lutea that have grown too large or have bled, but are otherwise benign.
In the early post-menopause phase, 1-5 years after the final menstrual period, sporadic ovulatory cycles still may occur and ovarian cysts may be seen.
Even in late menopause, which is defined as more than 5 years since the final menstrual period, when ovulation is unlikely to occur, small simple cysts may be seen in up to 20% of women.
Kingliz jayneejay
jayneejay Kingliz
sometimes the results can be told in different ways ..
it can be confusing ..
they tend to base it overall ... One figure ..
and in different countries its different too..
jay xx
jayneejay Kingliz
of you havent had a recent FSH test ( since May 13)
maybe your due another one . See how things are now ..
do you have well woman checks where you live ?
i just had ( Aug) everything checked ..
was told post meno and shown ovaries and the lot 😊
smear, 3D breast scan ..
mind you its all private here ..
jay xx
when i got my result it was just one figure .. Overall
this may help below ..
Before puberty: 0 - 4.0 mIU/ml
During puberty: 0.3 - 10.0 mIU/ml
Women who are still menstruating: 4.7 - 21.5 mIU/ml
After menopause: 25.8 - 134.8 mIU/ml
mIU/ml = milli international units per milliliter
( Follicle Stimulating Hormone )
jay x
Kingliz jayneejay
jayneejay Kingliz
no it wont be if taking HRT .. it will be your FSH levels with HRT included, it wont be a natural result ....
hope your okay today
Jay xx