Blood streaked mucus? menopause
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I thought I was in menopause as haven't had a period since Jan15 but yesterday I had some vaginal mucus with some blood streaking in it.Never really had menopause symptoms so it's all a little strange.
I will make an appointment with my doctor and get checked.
Have all the symptoms of a period,sore breasts,mild cramping so think this is a hormonal surge but after two years??I'm 53.
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it's more than just blood stained mucus now,more like a full blown period along with cramps etc.
I'm stressing but could this be a surge in hormones?.Last period was nearly two years ago.HELP,anyone experienced the same?
gailannie susie200463
Obviously it's a good to get things checked out. However I have known women who have done this, with a random period after they reached menopause. There was nothing wrong. Our ovaries do continue to produce a small amount of hormones. And yes, a surge of ovarian hormones can create this. As we continue down this road, our ovaries slowly produce less and less.
Just curious, did you happen to notice you were feeling really good? My question is obviously related to the things good things that these hormones do in our bodies. So like, were you sleeping better? feeling more energy? Noticed your hair or nails looked better? ANYTHING DIFFERENT BEFORE THIS PERIOD CAME?
lynda20916 susie200463
Hi, Susie,
Don't stress, but definitely get this checked out! Please let me know how you do!
susie200463 lynda20916
Hi Lynda I will let you know.My doc is phoning later this afternoon.
I'm so pleased I found this group.Sharing info so important x
thank you gailannie and Lynda.
I've been feeling well,usual energy to run 20miles or so per week and hair/nails looking good!Now feel rubbish,skin spotty,emotional,usual period symptoms.
I just try to keep reassuring myself that this is an unexpected period caused by hormones.A period happens normally due to fluctuating hormones so this is no different?
I feel that even though I've had no bleeding up until now for nearly 2 years I've never properly gone through the menopause as had no symptoms at all.I was just producing enough hormone to keep a very very irregular menstruation cycle going.That's how I see it but I can't help but feel stressed as this period was so unexpected and I know now I will have to have some tests etc which sound a bit scary!
I will get checked.Rang Doctors today but they were only dealing with emergencies so will ring first thing tomorrow.
I'm hoping someone might come on here with similar symptoms.
I appreciate any thoughts x
gailannie susie200463
That's interesting Susie.
BUT PLEASE don't say that you have not properly gone through menopause. If you look at this way, menopause (periods stopping for 1 full year) is simply that. That our bodies are not producing enough estrogen and progesterone to continue with regular monthly cycles. That doesn't mean our hormones go from "normal" to absolutely zero. Nope, they taper....slowly. Apparently you, like I did, made a slow descent, but was certainly producing enough to keep those all too standard typical menopause symptoms at bay. The only time I ever had a hot flash or night sweat was in perimenopause in my mid 40s. My body didn't like the flux and dip in my hormone levels. But when I got to menopause, it was slow and steady for me. My body didn't react as I was probably producing enough estrogen to keep me level and happy. So in many ways, this is a "proper" menopause, for strong ovaries!! Lucky US.
But Susie, what I do want you to know, that as the years go on, our hormones continue to decline. The changes and we start to see are not pretty or easy. It took my body years to get to painful sex, vaginal atrophy and dryness......but it came. And darn it, that's not something I feel I can live with. Now I'm working to raise my levels with hrt.
becky221 susie200463
Same thing happened to me. I was more than 2 years post Menopause. Had a regular period with all the Symptoms that went with it. After numerous Tests, nothing was wrong. The doctor said i was definitely in Menopause and my ovaries were not producing estrogen. But we still produce small amounts of estrogen in other places and since my hormones were still fluctuating, thats probably what it was. But it sure seemed like ovulation. That was almost 2 years ago and i have had nothing else happen since. Sounds likethe same thing is happening for you. Please don't Google. There's no info about this out there and that's frustrating.
susie200463 becky221
Agree Becky221.I've had all the usual ovulation/period symptoms so sure there's a little hormone still floating around.Yes there's not a lot of info but lots and lots of woman like us seem toexperience these late periods so reassuring.Did you get more menopause symptoms following your last period?
becky221 susie200463
The only consistent Menopause Symptome I've had are hot flashes. And those have been manageable. But yes, after Menopause and even now, I still get them.
fully agree with you gailannie a gradual decline in hormones is best.I've kept expecting menopause symptoms but now after this period I feel the decline might speed up.We are all different so how they can definitely say for everyone that you are postmenopausal after no periods for a year is misleading and causes worry to those like us who's hormones taper more slowly.
My doctor is ringing me at 4pm and will see if she agrees with these points.I will keep you updated x
just to update I saw my Dr this am and she examined my cervix,neck of womb and felt my tummy.All normal but will have a hospital appointment in next two weeks.She said shes confident all ok but I need to be seen and checked via ultrasound and maybe a biopsy.
Feel much better,though can't help worrying a little but feeling positive and good to be seen quickly and hopefully put this behind me x
lynda20916 susie200463
Hi Susie,
You did exactly what you needed to do--you went and saw your doctor! The best news is, she's being careful with your health. Whatever is happening, if anything really is, you probably caught it early.
Keep the positive outlook and get on with what you need to do. In the meantime, I'll be thinking of you! Please let me know how you get on!
hi all,
to update this am I had an ultrasound and a TVU.Small cyst or egg follicle on one ovary but that's apparently quite normal!Lining was 3mm which she said was nice and thin.Scans all looked fine.I will have an appt with a gynaecologist within the next 2 weeks and a blood test.Gynaecologist will make decision re biopsy but as all looked fine today then am not worried,think just nice to have 100% confirmation.Lady mentioned stress can cause hormone surges and I have had my fair share recently!
Feeling so much better now!
Been great to share on here,it's really helped xx
lynda20916 susie200463
Hi Susie,
Thanks for letting us know how you're doing! You've received very good news! So thankful for that for you!
Happy New Year!