blood sugar issues

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Hi ladies

For quite some time now i have had strange blood sugar readings

fasting - 120 to 134 mg/dl

PP - 116 to 120 mg/dl

what do you think these numbers indicate ? fasting more than PP readings.

ever since the hormon drops i have had a strange stomach dumping experience after i have food, my stomach feels terribly empty 2-3 hrs after eating and i get light headed...i feel better after eating

do i have diabetes ?


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11 Replies

  • Posted

    I don't know what PP means, but your fasting glucose indicates you're prediabetic. So no you do not have diabetes but you can control it with the foods you eat and maybe exercise.

    • Posted

      Thank you for your insight Sochima.

      PP stands for post parandial...the 2 hours after food reading.

      Normally for everyone PP is higher than fasting. it was for me too till i started having stomach problems after a significant drop in hormones a year or two back.

  • Posted

    Menopolized those readings sound awesome to me! Your blood sugar will vary but as long as it varies in the safe ranges you are good! all those ranges are good UNLESS its your fasting readings meaning you didnt eat anything after midnight and didnt eat when you got up until you tested your sugar.  Even then its NOT bad.
    • Posted

      Hi crosado, thanks for your reassurances. Yes , I didnt have anything to eat for 10 hours before the fasting reading.

      Prior to this i couldnt get a fasting test done coz i used to eat every 2 and a half to 3 hours....even at night.....i wake up to feel my body in tremours and the first thing i do after i brush my teeth is eat...i feel better then.

      now i can push ahead my first morning meal to 7 or 8 am at the most

    • Posted

      I went through that and when I would eat I would feel better and the shaking would stop I would have it SO bad I would contiue eating till the shaking completley stop. What I should have done was eat a protien and a carb reasonable amount and then give it 15 mins to work! My hormones was droping my sugar left and right. I carried gluclose tablets and night bit bars, ALSO took peanutbutter sandwhich with me EVERYWHERE I would go for fear of my blood sugar dropping. I developed low blood sugar during two of my pregnancies I had it so bad my blood sugar would acyually drop while eating! I could rarely get it up over 70. Now some months are worse then others.
  • Posted

    Maybe discuss this with your doctor from what you saying its always best to get checked out a fasting blood sugar should range from 70-120 after eating it can go up but after two hrs back to normal doc says mine is border line due to hormones it can happen in menopause from what i understand but always get checked at least your a1c levels
    • Posted

      yes monique, i thought too that i should get my a1c test done...that would be more reflective but they are costly around here and my husband is just fed up with all the medical bills
  • Posted

    I would highly recommend working with a dietician who is knowledgeable about getting your blood sugars under control, helping your gut and balancing your horomones.    The fasting seems a bit high...your body is trying to tell you something.

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