Blood/sugar levels dropping during peri
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The days leading up to the start of my period always makes me feel crazy. This month I had sensitivity in my left hip /groin area. Then my thighs were aching. Then today I was out with my little one at the doctors and had to run other errands and I didn't eat anything before I went out and I felt so weak. First of all, I was bundled up because it's cold out then when I went into the store they had the heat on so I felt over dressed. I went to bend down to fix my daughter's shoe and when I stood upright again I got so hot. Sometimes when I get overheated like that it can bring on an anxiety attack. I felt like I was going to pas out. I ran into a sandwich shop to eat quick as I could. That seem to calm everything down. This is something that has happened to me before right before a period or like at the beginning that if I haven't eaten and get overheated, I get weak and feel faint. I think I read somewhere that our fluctuating hormones can mimic diabetic and or anemia symptoms. Your blood/sugar level can drop.
I have a physical coming up in January and I am going to have them test my glucose level and my hemaglobin. They have checked a couple of times before and it has been normal. This only seems to happen to me during my cycle and it's random not every month. So scary and crazy. Oh the joys of being a woman, indeed!
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HotDot7 sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 HotDot7
HotDot7 sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 HotDot7
fancygoldfish HotDot7
So I started researching. I was reading there are three different times you can feel ovulation pain- before, during, and after ov, so it's difficult to identify which pain a woman might feel. It seems that if you feel it before, you could have pain on both sides as the follicles mature on both sides, but then only one will normally erupt and release an egg.
Anyboy else in peri feeling like they're still get ovulation pains some months? And if you've had tests, do they support that? Or is something else going on?
anxiousface sharcerv52408
peri and i will be ok once i'v got through it as i read a lot about women having low blood sugar at this time. I know how you feel about getting over heated too, I am always cold and wrap up well when going out but then you go in a shop thats warm and i feel like i'm in a heaetd blanket and it makes me feel weak and faint.
I always have a little nut bar in my bag and eat something every 3hrs and find im doing better. Let us know how you get on with your tests. sending you a comforting hug x
sharcerv52408 anxiousface
But I do need to carry snacks with me on a more consistent basis especially when going to someplace like the doctor's office. You never know how long you'll be there sometimes.
HotDot7 sharcerv52408
fancygoldfish sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 fancygoldfish
susan47122 fancygoldfish