blood test results
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Hi ladies
Blood test results have come back....
FSH in February was 6 today is 16 does this mean I'm peri???? I'm not clued up on the numbers, it obviously shows a difference.
God bless the nurse practitioner she's tested me for everything and all normal other than low vitamin d which she says could be causing bone acids and pains.
Going back on 17 for 21 day of cycle bloods and another examination of ribs and stomach and she's going to do stool test too just to cover everything.
Help appreciated. Big squishy hugs to you all especially anyone having a bad day xxx Sheena xxx
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Lolasmom sheena4572
sheena4572 Lolasmom
gailannie sheena4572
Here's the thing about testing FSH. Like all hormone tests it just a snapshot in time. Our FSH does fluctuate, as all hormones do. Was this done on the first couple days of your cycle? That would indicate how loudly your FSH has to scream to get the folliclures to pay attention to the message. If however, this testing was done late in your cycle, and it was still running 16, then your brain may not be happy with the amount of estrogen you are producing. Usually it's numbers over 20 that indicate menopause. But look carefully at your lab results, there should be a chart provided right after your results. It will list normal FSH readings at differnet times of the cycle, as well as menopausal readings. That should help you figure out what they consider normal range.
But here's the thing that can drive us all crazy, remember hormones fluctuate. If you are still having periods, then you could possible have a poor cycle (ie FSH calling loudly and estradiol relatively low) and the next month, your body might respond better and over produce. IT'S CRAZY what these flucuations can do. That's the thing about peri, it's all over the board.
sheena4572 gailannie
Test done on day 3 of cycle I'm going back to have it done again on day 21. X