Blood work all ok. So we all must be mad
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How many ladies are they out there that feel just like me?
i get blood work done and because it comes back fine we must be off our heads?
ive been going to my doctors constantly for the last 5 months with bone pain in my arms which now im getting a mottled skin rash on my arms too. every day i feel worse & worse. im low on iron because of my heavy periods twice per month. low on folic acid which they discovered today after id taken myself to AnE again. to be told what rash? that rash on my arms i said are you blind? im sick of my ailments been blamed on anxiety. feel like im going mad and so alone even my family dont understand although ive only 2 son's which they wont get it. so fed up of feeling so ill & getting no answers.
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HopefulTrina jo0808
Yes, I EXACTLY the same.. Blood work came back fine. Still having horrible symptoms, especially during ovulation and period. For the past two days, I've had cold chills, hot flashes, body aches, fatigue and just feeling bad.
We ALL can't be making this up. These doctors need to figure this out.
I'm just like you , I have two sons and hubby at home. I have to admit my husband is being very understanding during this phase..
Hoping you feel better soon. Don't stop calling the doctor either, even if it's for just a peace of mind 💜🙏🏾
HopefulTrina jo0808
Yes, I EXACTLY the same.. Blood work came back fine. Still having horrible symptoms, especially during ovulation and period. For the past two days, I've had cold chills, hot flashes, body aches, fatigue and just feeling bad.
We ALL can't be making this up. These doctors need to figure this out.
I'm just like you , I have two sons and hubby at home. I have to admit my husband is being very understanding during this phase..
Hoping you feel better soon. Don't stop calling the doctor either, even if it's for just a peace of mind 💜🙏🏾
Im just sick of doctors putting everything down to anxiety. if i thought it was all down to anxiety i wouldnt be wanting answers. i didnt have anxiety until my periods came twice per month and heavy or getting all 66 menopausal ailments. when the doctor said what rash? i could have punched her, everyone else can clearly see i have a mottled rash i wonna know why ive got it and why its been coming and going for months. we all love going to AnE ( not) and wasting our time when the convo 19 is killing everyone. i seriously feel like im getting gaslighted , am i going insane. thank you for replying x
caz240 jo0808
Hi there
I went for a bloodtest thinking christ at least if it comes back positive I can accept its peri menopause. It came back negative, the lady at the doctors was so happy to give me the news, I thanked her hung up and burst into tears...again!!! First thought was I really am going mad then.
Im convinced I am on the change way too many symptoms for it not to be. Ive decided to come off the pill to see, not like i need it sex is the last bloomin thing in my mind.
Youre not alone so many of us are going through it. I would just love my sense of humour back god knows where it went? Night sweats, itchy tits legs and scalp. Sick as a dog shaky. Ill stop there moaning!!! Be here all night otherwise lol
Take care x
kylie01267 jo0808
I feel the same. How can bloods and scans come back normal and we feel so rotten?? I feel so off today. I'm goose bumpy and I even feel it on my face. I just don't feel myself. I've been spotting on and off for almost a month and I feel like my period is coming because I have period pain. I have aches and pains all over if I were a horse they'd shoot me hahaha
lynn71448 jo0808
Hello Everyone,
I am so glad I found this forum. With everything going on with the COVID19 outbreak I haven't been able to see a doctor lately. I am a 31 year old with Hashimotos Thyroiditis and for the last year I have felt like garbage. At first I thought it was my thyroid medication that was off, but after many trips to my doctor and an endocrinologist my levels are fine. Just before the COVID19 out break I had bloodwork and an MRI of my pelvis, abdomen, and neck. Everything came back clear. I had appointments for a colonoscopy, a scope into my stomach, mammogram, and gynocologist visit.. but they were all cancelled until the corona virus is under control. Now after reading through many sites and forums like this I think I am going through perimenopause or at the very least a significant hormone imbalance. I have so many uncomfortable symptoms and I was convinced I was dying of a terrible disease. My hair is dry and falling out in handfuls, my vision is intermittently blurry, I have intermittent tinnitus, for the first time in my life I am experiencing acne and it is constant, my skin is very dry and itchy, I am getting rashes on and off, I am always thirsty and have dry mouth, I have brain fog and am forgetting things easily, I am very anxious and worried all the time that these symptoms mean I am dying, I have insomnia, terrible night sweats, I have noticed a change in my body odor, my breasts are sore more often, my rib cage hurts (mostly my lower left ribs) and up into my shoulder blades, I have all over joint and muscle pain, my back has been hurting, I have IBS like symptoms, belching, nausea, bloating, loss of appetite, change in bowel movements, more frequents trips to the bathroom, I have had unexplained weight loss, and my periods/cycles have changed. I used to have a cycle like clockwork, 28 day cycle with 5 days of bleeding. My cycles for the most part are getting shorter by 3 or days. When I do start the bleeding is significantly heavier and it seems to start and stop several times. All of this has me terribly depressed, anxious, fatigued and feeling gross. My libido is non existent and I am moody and irritable. I have never been an overly emotional person but I have been crying lately. I am doing an at home test for celiac disease this week and I ordered a DUTCH complete hormone test. Only after reading and researching on my own have I begun to believe this is hormone related. I am upset my doctor never thought to investigate my levels. Then again my doctor looked very skeptically at me when I went through my Iist of symptoms with him. I have to say after reading the many similar cases of women experiencing similar situations I feel relieved. I thought I was going crazy. I thought my entire body was shutting down on me. Thank you to everyone who has shared their stories and experiences it has been a great help .
serena11274 lynn71448
omg you sound too like me, ive had terrible symptons that started dec 2018, i had all the symptons of being overmedicated for my hashimotis, however my readings were fine, still struggling now with increased heart rate, muscle twitching, heavy limbs at times, longer cycle of 41 days followed by 25 day cycles, bloating, headaches, belching nausea and i could go on, im in process of seeking help outside of gp with a menopause association to do a trial of bio progesterone as my female hormone tests always coming back normal but something definately going on, i too thought i have some horrible disease that refuses to show in bloods, over it
rachel54558 lynn71448
I am 29 and have Premature ovarian failure basically early menopause. I am right in think Hashimotos Thyroiditis is autoimmune disease. Is just biggest cause of early menopause is some kind of autoimmune disease. i would remind your doctor of this . if you go through menopause symptoms or stop period before 40 it consider early menopause. I am have no underlying cause for my POF . i not had a natural Period since 2018. i currently trying to get the right type of HRT for myself. Hope this helps.
jo0808 lynn71448
couldn't have put it better myself. its a bloody joke. id love to swear and vent properly on here but it wont get posted ha x